We here at SHIFT receive a lot of emails from liberals—emails we like to call “love letters.” Continuing what we started some weeks ago, we would like to celebrate this Friday by spreading the love and sharing the best of our most recent liberal love letters with you. So, without further ado, here is our latest installment of the top 5 liberal expressions of love:
1. The I’m-breaking-up-with-you-by-nonsensically-comparing-you-to-a-former-political party-in-South-Africa-that-supported-apartheid expression of love:
“… Just like the National Party, you are the party of no. So f*** off.” –Neil
2. The uncomfortable-play-on-words expression of love:
“F*** you quit driving Gassholes! – SolarisDaWay
3. The I-hope-you-die-an-excruciating-death expression of love:
“I hope when our planet’s atmosphere disintegrates, you are the first to fry to death…” – Randy
4. The “back to basics” expressions of love:
“f*** you republicans. greeedy and ignorant republicans” –Mike
“Republicans are disgusting a**holes…” –Gwen
5. The throw-in-George Bush-and-David Koch-with-Bin Laden-and-Kadafy-and-compare-them-all-to-you expression of love:
“Every one knows you guys are paid for by big oil, so what do Bin Laden, David Koch, George Bush, Kadafy, and YOU have in common.. You think it is ok to drive up my taxes for more wars over oil. and yes, oh yes, destroy the human race with global warming…” -Martin
I apparently need to try harder.
Take a look at some of your con poster words, come on show you’re fair AT ALL !!!
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( “I don’t care who ya are, that’s funny right there”)