Former Seattle City Councilmember Tina Podlodowski– very liberal Democrat who is also a former adviser to Seattle Mayor Ed Murray— is challenging Republican incumbent Kim Wyman for Secretary of State. As Shift reported, Podlodowski has leveled ridiculous criticisms against Wyman. And, it’s those criticisms that reveal her desperation and lack of understanding of the position.
But, desperation is not the only characteristic Podlodowski has revealed about herself since she launched her campaign. Podlodowski’s campaign slogan is “Every voice, and every vote, must count.” She also likes to say, “Together, we can build an election system that works for everyone.”
Of course, those slogans are direct references to her primary attacks on Wyman, including low voter turnout in recent elections (something she can’t actually control) and not canceling Tuesday’s presidential primary (something she has no lawful authority to do).
While Podlodowski might like to tout those slogans, she doesn’t actually believe them.
How do we know?
Well, Podlodowski blocks everyone from her Twitter account who dares to criticize her or who has a dissenting opinion.
In light of her true opinion on the matter, Podlodowski should reconsider her campaign slogans. We decided to help her out with a couple of suggestions.
- “Every voice, and vote must count… except for those voices and voters who criticize me.”
- “Together, we can build an election system that works for those who care the same opinion as I do.”
Given our generous nature, we also wanted to provide Podlodowski with some words of truth she should contemplate the next time she shuts down a dissenting opinion.
- “I have always thought the actions of men the best interpreters of their thoughts.” – John Locke
- “Well done is better than well said.” – Benjamin Franklin
- “Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned.” – Peter Marshall
If you’ve been blocked by Podlodowski — or if you decide you would like to see whether Podlodowski blocks you (it’s not hard) — use #blockedbytina and let us know!
Photo credit: The Seattle PI.
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