The Seattle Times editorial board has rolled out some rather odd endorsements leading up to the primary election. The paper endorsed a Democrat who supports a state income tax for State Superintendent of Public Instruction. And, the paper endorsed another sleazy Democrat for State Auditor.
So, it should comes as no surprise that — in the race for state Commissioner of Public Lands — the Seattle Times picked a very liberal candidate to follow-up the failed leadership of the very liberal current Commissioner of Public Lands, Peter Goldmark. The paper endorsed King County Councilman Dave Upthegrove for the position this year.
As Shift reported, Upthegrove has organized his campaign around the argument that the department needs a “fresh start.” For Upthegrove, that means “addressing climate change, often through a racial-justice lens.”
Tellingly, Upthegrove’s position lacks the common sense approach it takes to implement preventative measures against wildfires. That, inevitably, means more of the same type of ineffective leadership at DNR — not, as Upthegrove advocates, a “fresh start.”
The DNR is in dire need of common sense leadership — leadership that will implement proven methods of lands management. Upthegrove’s far-Left, extreme “green” approach would only add to the consequences of Goldmark’s failures.
It’s a shame that the Seattle Times editorial board failed to recognize that fact.
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