Shift is wrapping up New Year’s week with one last walk down memory lane. We present, Jay Inslee’s top five most bizarre, incomprehensible statements of 2014—what we like to call “Insleeisms.”
- Inslee on global warming:
“This [global warming] is not a hypothetical thing for governors on the West Coast — this is fire alarms and floods… It’s not a next-century issue. This is a next half-hour issue.”
- Inslee on why he is pushing for a fuel mandate:
“It’s a really important question about why our state should move forward even though you are entirely correct that we cannot solve it on this problem on our own. That is actually accurate statement…so the question is if we can’t solve this problem on our own why should we act. This is the best answer that I have. I believe I have to do this because it’s what I believe.”
- Inslee on counting legislative votes for his 2014 supplemental budget plan:
“I took math at Ingraham High School, so I know how to count votes.”
- Inslee on the rising cost of tuition at state universities:
“We know our kids have astronautical debt for university, college education because we have been starving universities and we have had to jerk the tuition up… I can’t force legislators cause I don’t have waterboarding available to me, and I wouldn’t anyway, it would be wrong.”
- Inslee on baby oysters dying in the Pacific inlets, which turned out to be false:
“It used to be the canary in the coal mine. Now it’s the oyster in the half shell. You can’t overstate what this means to Washington.”
As it turns out, apparently you can overestimate what is means to Washington.
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