We uncovered an interesting letter by State Senator Curtis King, pointing to the reasons why a transportation package was not passed. It says, in part:
3. Confusion Over Project Scope and Cost. WSDOT provided members with contradictory and confusing information as to the cost and scope of projects included in the package. Early in session, WSDOT provided a prioritized list of projects 9which came to be known as the “Orange List”). This list was instrumental in negotiations as an authoritative source for project costs and detailed descriptions of project scope. However, in the final weeks of the session, the Department apparently had little faith left in some of its own project estimates and costs as evidenced by the fact that it discouraged members from relying on its own Orange List. …
He also lists media scrutiny of WSDOT, public opposition, and the governor’s refusal to consider alternatives to the Columbia River Crossing. However, those issues don’t raise as many questions as this “Orange List.” Is Inslee’s new secretary of transportation not capable of handling a complex department? Likely since she was brought in from a relatively low-level position in Oregon’s state government. Or did Inslee taking his time assembling a cabinet not give her enough time to review this very important Orange List?
It’s only your tax dollars, right?
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