The candidates participating in the (McDermott) Hunger Games had another opportunity to differentiate themselves during a “debate” over the weekend. Only, that not exactly what happened.
By every indication, it doesn’t really matter whom voters choose to replace Congressman Jim McDermott in the 7th Congressional District. During the debate, State Senator Pramila Jayapal, State Representative Brady Walkinshaw, and King County Councilman Joe McDermott (no relation to the current congressman) demonstrated that, in the end, there is no difference between them.
As the Seattle PI put it, they “agreed to agree.”
So far, the only issue the candidates have ever disagreed on is which lefty talking point they believe is the biggest problem facing America today. The latest debate was more of the same with real challenges (like the disappearing middle class) succumbing to the go-to, hot-button issues liberals love to exaggerate.
The only noteworthy divergence came when Joe McDermott managed to sneak in a jab at Jayapal when he stated, “I would ask my fellow candidates to reject outside money and independent expenditures in this race.” Of course, McDermott’s comments were in reference to big money fundraisers Jayapal attended in Washington D.C. and New York, while skipping votes and fulfilling her duties as a state senator.
The (McDermott) Hunger Games continue.
Daniel Carson says
Blah blah blah let the circus contiue..