Americans are experiencing the “the Great Obamacare Bait ‘n’ Switch”: more and more Americans are “covered,” but fewer and fewer Americans will actually be able to get health care. CNBC,
“That’s because finding a doctor who accepts Medicaid payments – never all that easy to do even before 2013 – is getting harder than ever thanks to a steep drop in reimbursement rates for doctors who treat patients on Medicaid…
Now hold your horses, all you progressives clamoring for a “single payer” health-care system! I know you think this and all the other Obamacare failings are proof that single payer is the only answer.
But the truth is, this Medicaid debacle should be a stark warning to any of us who still think single payer can work.
Because, my friends, when you consider the more than 130 million people currently “covered” by Medicaid and Medicare combined, the United States already is the largest single-payer health provider in the Western world.
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