The Democrats and their special interest allies are evidently big believers in the Big Lie theory– that if you tell a lie often enough, people will begin to believe it.
A case in point is their constant attacks – the latest is an email from the State Democrat Party – against the Republicans on education funding. In breathless tones, Democrat Party staff member Misty Shock Rule tells supporters that “turning out voters is absolutely critical to winning this fall and bringing back sustainable funding for Washington’s schools.”
But, of course, the Democrats never provided “sustainable funding” for Washington’s schools, so how could it be brought back if they are in control? Democrats provided “sustainable funding” instead to the special interest groups – state employee unions, SEIU members, extreme environmentalists, etc. – which give them campaign money.
People who know the facts realize that the McCleary court case charging the state with under-funding public education was both first filed in 2007 and decided in 2012 when Democrats had complete control of Olympia – the Governor’s office, the Senate and the House. Democrats held the purse strings, and they refused to fund our public schools. Those are the facts.
In 2012, the Supreme Court finally said enough was enough, and told the Democrats to clean up their act. And now, to try and confuse voters, the Democrats blame Republicans for their own corruption.
Thankfully, a bi-partisan Majority Coalition Caucus took control of the State Senate in 2013, and led by Sen. Andy Hill the Senate put $1 billion in new spending into our public schools, fighting against Governor Jay Inslee and Frank Chopp’s State House, who only wanted to put money into schools if taxes were raised, and they were insisting that money for their special interests came first.
But the Democrats don’t want you to know that. So, instead, they will keep telling the “Big Lie,” and hope to confuse enough voters.
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