Democrats in Congress are pushing for an increase the federal minimum wage to $12 per hour by 2020. Washington State’s very own Sen. Patty Murray is expected to introduce the new proposal, called the “Raise the Wage Act,” today. Along with raising the federal minimum wage for nearly 38 million workers, the legislation would also “eliminate an exemption for restaurants and other companies that allows them to pay tipped workers less than the minimum wage.”
The Washington Policy Center (WPC) reacted to the news of Washington State, once again, taking a leadership role in introducing a ridiculous minimum wage increase by posting a tongue-in-cheek comment on Twitter jokingly asking “does this mean folks will push for a $20 minimum wage in WA?”
While the thought of a $20 minimum wage seems like a joke to the rational people over at the WPC, it isn’t for Democrat state Rep. Gael Tarleton of Seattle. Tarleton responded to the WPC by tweeting, “$20/hr is $41,600/yr or about $3500/month before taxes. Why shouldn’t people who work be able to earn living?”
If the recent small business closures in Seattle due to the $15 minimum wage are not enough of an answer Tarleton’s question, the WPC provides more answers here.
Notably, Tarleton is the same lawmaker sponsored a bill mandating paid vacation leave. The bill allowed for the rather large exception of union employers. Essentially, it was an attempt to make unionization the more cost-effective option for non-union employers.
Biff says
The communist agitator will be all for it. For everybody else, that is. Expect her to stiff her own staff, though. “OK for me but not for thee”
Eastside Sanity says
What a bunch of liberal fools.
tensor says
While the thought of a $20 minimum wage seems like a joke to the rational people over at the WPC…
That’s the same “rational” folks at WPC which took to presenting anonymous rumors as facts after their scare-mongering against SeaTac’s $15/hour minimum wage failed to accomplish anything, and after the WPC couldn’t find evidence for so much as a single job being lost in SeaTac because of the higher wage.
“Rationalizing,” yes. “Rational”? No.
Biff says
Heck yeah, Comrade. 20 not right NOW and not for everybody! only sounds like a joke to the people that work for your Tsarina. Next she’ll be unionizing her campaign staff to get a waiver from 15 not right NOW and not for everybody! No, she wouldn’t do that. Then she’d have pay those pesky payroll taxes, provide mandatory sick leave and insurance and all the other stuff that’s for the proletariat. OK for me but not for thee.
tensor says
Have you yet figured out that most, if not all, of what gets posted here about Council Member Sawant is probably not true? At your request, I showed you how claims here of her “illegal” behavior were based on a source which explicitly described her behavior as legal. That was supposed to be a rather large hint for you to show the smallest bit of skepticism in evaluating claims made here, but I guess since you’ve paid for this material, you have to pretend you’ve gotten something other than swindled.
Biff says
When did I say anything was “illegal”? She’s just a sleazy politician pushing the envelope of ethics for financial advantage while talking the comrade talk to sell her snake oil to you suckers.
tensor says
When did I say anything was “illegal”?
Here? No. I was merely giving an example of something else posted about her at this site which is clearly groundless, and suggesting you might therefore show some more (or any, really) skepticism towards what this site chooses to post about her. Whether you choose to do so or not has absolutely no relevance to anyone other than yourself.
Robert Zornes says
This is BS. The minimum wage needs to be at least $30 per hour.