The Washington State Transportation Commission voted to approve a 5 percent toll increase for the SR 520 bridge.
Beginning July 1, the peak rate of $3.90 will go to $4.10. The increase will, apparently, “help pay for the new 520 floating bridge and other improvements” — something that they already did.
On July 1, 2017, the toll rate will increase another 20 cents for a total of $4.30.
But, that’s not all that July 2017 will have in store for commuters, as nighttime tolling will replace the current toll-free situation, taking effect from 11 p.m. – 5 a.m., and costing drivers a flat rate of $1.25.
Tacoma Narrows Bridge commuters were spared similar increases. The commission voted to repeal a 50-cent toll increase for that bridge due to funding appropriated by state lawmakers.
It appears that the Democrats’ plan to make everyone’s commute even more miserable than it already is continues.
The LONGER Washington State Voters KEEP Democrats in the Controlling POWER seats in ALL aspects of the local, city & State Government..THE QUICKER the local, city, & State BECOMES ANOTHER DETROIT..ETAL !!
Audit the WSDOT & let’s REALLY find out where the HIGH Gas Taxes we pay are REALLY spent so these
consistent increasing ‘TOLLS’ & gas tax additions we’ve allowed, for DECADES, these controlling Democratic Administrations to bury us under !!
Walt Kelly’s “Pogo” nailed it “TRUE” when he said..”We has met the ENEMY..& He is US” !
November is about five (5) months away…Good time to begin the ‘FUMIGATION’ of ALL our Government’s & it’s INFESTATION!!
S/Sgt. John Sharp, USAF SIS, Disabled Korean War Veteran, 1950-54.
VOTI Vote Out The Incumbent.
I agree, but people need to vote for US constitution based ideologies individuals.
This State is hardcore Democrats/Dixicrats/Progressive/Socialist, therefore, it will never change.
When will the “low information voters” finally get wise and quit voting for these tax and spend democraps that can’t run a business with our exorbitant gas taxes? #WakeUpPeople !!!!!!!!!
The democrats in King County are very smart, that is why they self inflict themselves with tax increases year after year. However, they will cry when the rest of WA is not inflicting themselves with taxes and claim they collect welfare from King County. The rest of WA are not smart. Keep up the good work King County.