More incompetence in state government is on display, this time it’s courtesy (once again) of the state Health Care Authority (HCA). The agency is informing more than 91,000 people enrolled in Washington State’s Apple Health Medicaid program that their medical records have been “mishandled.” Via the Seattle Times,
“Two state employees — a woman who worked for the state Health Care Authority (HCA) and her brother, who worked for the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) — apparently exchanged emails for nearly two years that contained private health information from Medicaid clients, said Steve Dotson, HCA risk manager.”
From early 2013 to late 2015, the two exchanged emails that included clients’ Social Security numbers, dates of birth, Apple Health identification numbers and private health information. The woman worked for HCA as a medical-assistance specialist. Her brother was an Internet technician.
No one appeared to notice what was happening during the time period. Officials only ever found out about the breach after they were alerted by a DSHS whistleblower. Federal officials are now involved in the investigation.
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