Sound Transit believers are reveling in the results from King County in favor of ST3 last week that will allow them to roll over Pierce County voters who voted “no”, and Snohomish County voters who may yet say “no” so they can proceed with a $54 billion (and growing) light-rail plan over the next quarter century.
Now some King County voters are learning just what fun it is to deal with a transit agency that does not have to go back to voters for a long time. According to the Washington Policy Center:
“Less than 48 hours after an election in which Sound Transit officials gained $54 billion in regressive taxes from Puget Sound residents, they released their preferred plan to build the Federal Way Link light rail extension. In this Final Environmental Impact Statement, Sound Transit officials present their four build plans and one no build alternative.
“If they do build the Federal Way Link extension, the plan they want would destroy 196 homes, 42 businesses, and displace 370 employees… The majority of destroyed homes would be in the Pacific Ridge and Midway neighborhoods, including two apartment complexes and the entire 21-unit Jackson Mobile Home Park south of the Kent-Des Moines Road. These neighborhoods have high concentrations of minority and low-income families.”
But hey, what’s a few displaced families and businesses, when Seattle folks will get trains?
tensor says
Mass-transit stops tend to be built in densely-populated areas, yes. Apparently, this is news to the Washington Policy Center — and to Shift.
(Maybe Shift’s lack of basic knowledge about mass transit was the reason voters so heavily rejected Shift’s repeated advice on the ST3 vote?)
Biff says
UnSound Transit stations tend to be built where the winners have been chosen by unelected bureaucrats to be, yes. This isn’t news to anyone with two brain cells to rub together, which eliminates all you comrades.
(Maybe you Seattle liberal’s lust for having someone else pay for your transportation was the reason you voted for the largest tax increase on any ballot in the nations history?)
tensor says
Obvious concern trolling. Nobody at Shift cares about poor people in any other context– not wages, not health care, not education, and certainly not if poor people’s homes get demolished for overpriced, low-quality McMansions. This is just a cynical bit of sore loser-ism by the sore losers of yet another election.
you Seattle liberal’sWashington State Republucan’s lust for havingsomeone elseSeattle liberals pay foryourtheir giant pork freeway boondoggles which they cynically mislabeled as “transportation“ was the reason you voted for the largest tax increase on any ballot in the nations history?Fixed that for you. You’re welcome.
Joe says
Bad a**. #InKitsisWeTrust
SOTD: Judas Priest – You’ve got another thing comin’
Joe says
Maybe freeway expansion doesn’t move disabled people and eventually clogs up anyway. ST3 is a win for the true believers who can figure out how much surface area is a butt versus a car on a road. G*d BLESS Sound Transit!
Judas Priest – You’ve got another thing comin’
Biff says
Wow. Maybe disabled people should be able to fund their own transportation over and above what’s already provided by taxpayers. Maybe freeway expansion does the most good for the overwhelming majority of the citizens who pay for it. ST3 is a win for all anonymous Seattle-centric transit leeches who can figure out how big a lie it takes to dupe low-information voters into approving the largest tax increase on any ballot in U.S. history
Judas Priest – The Grinder
Joe says
“Maybe disabled people should be able to fund their own transportation over and above what’s already provided by taxpayers”
Thanks for your support for paratransit at $40 a ride. A ride.
Biff says
How much for heavily subsidized Metro D.A.R.T.?
Joe says
Just for Biff:
Kathy L says
Agree completely. Progs want it to cost more, it’s part of the whole sacrifice for the greater good meme.
You could outlaw privately owned vehicles and force us into the prog-transit and we will still find a way to drive where we need to go. These people like tensor hate us.
Joe says
It would only help ShitWA if they’d sign their name to their blogging. ShitWa rightfully went down the way the Seahawks beat down the Fourty Whiners last Thanksgiving!
Maybe Colin Krapernick is doing the blogging here…
Kathy L says
Or maybe it was the fact that progs operate out of feeling, and it feels so shiny shiny to brag brag about our new light rail.
The only people who want mass transit are progs and people too poor to own a car, and they would rather have a car than a choo choo that is susceptible to the landslides that occur regularly along the choo choo track.
And the more it costs the better because progs want us to suffer for past transgressions. As long as they can sling their hip purse over their shoulder and do the light rail for their mid morning chai, cost is, well, so pedestrian a topic.
Clay Fitzgerald says
Well, that figures, build an overpriced choo-choo train and destroy low cost housing in the process, Now ain’t that wonderful! (sarc off)
Joe says
Each and every one of these homeowners get a nice check to buy a new home. Not crying a river here.
Eminent domain… it’s a wunderful thing.
tensor says
Speaking of property rights, has Shift obtained permission to use the image at the top of this post? It’s clearly from “The Simpsons,” which was created by Matt Groeing, native of Portland (Oregon) and alumnus of lefty Evergreen State College in Olympia, and thus unlikely to have given his intellectual property for use by a hard-right web site.
Or do property rights matter only when citing them seems to support Shift’s point?
itsonlywords says
Given the choice between disrupting the lives the well-to-do or the poor, governments choose the poor because they’re least able to fight back. Disgusting.