Seattle City Councilmember Kshama Sawant prides herself in being one of the only self-proclaimed socialists elected to public office in America. Seattleites—and surrounding cities—have had front-row seats to what has become “The Sawant Show” since her election. From calling for a public take-over of Boeing to her public arrest for disorderly conduct, Sawant’s first term as a city councilmember has truly been all about, well, Sawant.
That probably explains why, out of nine Seattle City Council members, Sawant ranks second lowest in committee meeting attendance. The only person who ranked lower than Sawant was Councilmember Tom Rasmussen—and Rasmussen, unlike Sawant, isn’t planning to run again.
According to the Seattle Times, Sawant only managed to show up for 64 of the 168 (for which attendance records were available) overall committee meetings. And, she only succeeded in making it to 75% of her scheduled committee meetings.
Sawant’s lack of interest in her duties as a city councilmember falls in line with her attitude of self-importance. Sawant appears to spurn local politics just as much as she spurns local media outlets. What Sawant will never figure out (due to her ego) is that her response to the President of the United States’ State of the Union Address is not only irrelevant, it’s ridiculous.
Will the apathetic voters recognize this next election?
All of this communist’s fellow travelers? Heck no!
This site continues its self-proclaimed focus on “shifting the debate in Olympia” by posting yet another story about a Seattle politician who has never served in our state’s capital.
When you’re a miserable failure at the very job you have unilaterally assigned to yourself, a job which no one ever asked you to do in the first place, please don’t expect anyone else to take your statements seriously.
Awwww… getting a little upset that someone you most likely voted for, or a socialist you agree with, is being called to the carpet for not doing her job??
If the truth bothers you, stop coming to this site and go complain somewhere other liberals and socialist go to pat themselves on the back.
Boo hoo…
So, you believe that serving on multiple government committees should be called productive labor?
I know what you mean. When you get elected to the Seattle silly clowncil then getting arrested for agitating at minimum wage rallies in another city, calling on Boeing workers to take over their plant and make buses, Urging the silly clowncil to send a letter to the president demanding he stop foreign aid to Israel, putting out her own “response” to the SOTU is a miserable failure at the very job she has unilaterally assigned to herself, a job which no one ever asked her to do in the first place. She shouldn’t expect anyone to take her seriously.
So, you agree with the premise of this post — that attending government committee meetings should be considered “work”?
Da comrade, I agree if the liberal morons in Seattle elect a communist agitator as a silly clowncil member, she should at show up for what she was elected to do and keep her nose out of everything else she appointed herself to do.
But, is attending government committee meetings “work”? That’s the entire premise of this post, yet no one will answer that question directly.
Hey tensor, I told you that your girl Kshama wanted to take Boeing. Are you still blind?
No one will answer that question directly because no one cares if you consider attending committee meetings “work” or not.
Nice dodge! However, as I’m probably the only resident of Seattle’s 3rd District here, my opinion of her performance in office is the only one here which matters.
Since the premise of the post is indeed that sitting on multiple government committees equals work, let’s simply re-write the title of this post: “Showing up for sitting on multiple government committees not Sawant’s priority.”
To which I say: Good for her!
(Don’t worry, though; given the obsession this site has with her, they’ll soon write a post about how she supposedly hasn’t answered all the questions they have asked her, and you can then sanctimoniously tut-tut about how avoiding questions is bad. In her case, that is.)
Given that you claimed to never have seen even one I-594 ad in the whole election cycle, your claim to have never heard the common English parlance that when someone is elected to office, they have a “job” they’re supposed to “work” is spot on for you. Truthful? not so much. She doesn’t show up to do what she was elected to do. If sitting on committees for city business is not her priority, why on earth did she run for the position? Did she not know the duties it entailed? She just wanted a bigger platform to get ink for being a communist agitator, to which you say: Good for her! Right on, Comrade.
…never heard the common English parlance that when someone is elected to office, they have a “job” they’re supposed to “work”…
I don’t consider sitting on multiple government committees to be a vital part of a Council Member’s job. Should they attend some committee meetings? Probably, because oversight of the executive branch is part of an American legislator’s job, but I don’t particularly care about how many meetings of which committees my legislators attend; to reward such behavior is to reward clock-punching, not work.
She doesn’t show up to do what she was elected to do.
Interestingly, we have here exactly zero of her constituents agreeing with that statement.
If sitting on committees for city business is not her priority, why on earth did she run for the position?
Um, she ran for a legislative office so she could pass legislation? She was the driving force on the Council to pass the $15/hour minimum wage.
… not only irrelevant, it’s ridiculous.
From the perspective of we voters in Seattle — you know, the people who elected her — it’s the Republican response which is “irrelevant,” and the Teabagger response (if they still bother giving one) which we consider to be “ridiculous.”
You know what’s more insulting then teabagger? Socialist trolling whore. But you wear it with pride, whore.
“Socialist trolling whore.”
I’ve never called myself anything of the kind, whereas the Tea Party movement began the use of “teabagger”:
They asked people to send a tea bag to the Oval Office. One of the exhortations was “Tea Bag the Fools in D.C.” A protester was spotted with a sign saying, “Tea Bag the Liberal Dems Before They Tea Bag You.” So, conservatives started it: started with this terminology.
“But you wear it with pride, whore.”
The erudition, sophistication, and logic of your argument are truly great — by the standards of a teabagger, anyway.
Here you go… another lie teabagger[sic] label came from your liberal socialist friends.
BEN, please read the material I provided. The Tea Party movement was very happy to use the term “teabag” when they thought it was exclusively them insulting us liberals. When we liberals turned the tables on them, and started using the term “teabagger” as an insult to them, they promptly started whining about how incredibly un-civil the debate had become.
This shows how the ability to dish it out remains unrelated to the ability to take it, which is of course why visiting sites such as this one is so much fun.
Make sure to bring that up at your next Mensa meeting Enrique Q.
tensor, keep leaking those self inflicted $15/hr wounds. Your liberal socialist anger is finally coming out and now you are demonizing all the oppositions. Typical liberal mental disease.
Keep leaking those self inflicted wounds. This time you cannot blame REP or what you call Teabagger[sic]”, but your flawed party. Wake up and smell the coffee! Now you saw it first hand what happens when you throw excrement towards the fan that is blowing air towards yourself. Naive, naive, naive that what you are tensor.
Her only priority is getting ink for being a communist agitator
You can take that up with this author:
The reality is that Sawant has won major victories…
I don’t have to. She has won major victories in getting ink for being a communist agitator
She is Loud, rude..
Sounds like she’s single-handedly creating a workers paradise.
Who Cares, the whole lot of them are a bunch of liberal democratic parasites who live off other people’s money. Hopefully their “Global Warming” (BS) will raise the sea level and wash away everything west of the cascades and cleanse this state of all this madness.