Seattle University has caved in to the demands of the rather pathetic students who feel “traumatized” by the “profoundly damaging” experience of reading classic literature. As Shift reported, last month, a group of students “occupied” the front lobby of the Matteo Ricci College (MRC) — the school’s college of humanities — demanding the resignation of Jodi Kelly, the college’s dean.
Why do these students want Kelly to resign?
Well, according to their grammar/spelling error-filled online petition, the students feel “traumatized” by the “profoundly damaging” experience of reading classics. One student told a very liberal blog that the “humanities curriculum is based heavily on Western canon and European classic literature, i.e. stuff that old racist and sexist white guys wrote down.”
Stocked with pizza, pillows, and Beyonce’s Lemonade album playing over speakers, the “profoundly damaged” students have taken turns “occupying” the lobby ever since.
Unfortunately, Seattle University caved. This week, Interim Provost Bob Dullea placed Kelly on administrative leave. Via the Seattle Times:
In an email to the college’s community, Interim Provost Bob Dullea said Kelly will remain on leave pending the outcome of complaints filed in the school’s Office of Institutional Equity and a “broader review of issues” regarding her position. No details were available.
“I have taken this action because I believe, based on information that has come forward over the past several weeks, that successful operations of the college at this time require that she step away from day-to-day management and oversight,” Dullea wrote in the email.
It appears that Seattle University is more than willing to submit to a handful (really, about ten) 20 years olds who, at their experienced age, think so highly of themselves that they dismiss the classics as written by “old racist and sexist white guys.”
Perhaps Seattle University should consider changing its mascot from “Rudy the Redhawk” to the “Rudy the Spineless Rat.”
Paus says
My God!!!! What idiocy!!!!
fight4liberty says
Were they ten 20 year olds or twenty 10 year olds? The petition and sentiment point to the latter. When will universities (and government) stop caving to a very small minority? As African/American written literature is such a small and recent it is common sense that it would portray only a small portion of the college catalog; yet the university has a number of courses devoted to African/American and slave literature. They also have studies for just about every minority in the Seattle area.
A real question to ask, what happens when a non-black is in those classrooms? You think there thoughts and expressions are freely exchanged? Or are there treated with disdain throughout the course? One thing for certain, they will have their share of micro-aggression and racist “black power” chest beating.
Kj Hinton says
Just another leftist school I wouldn’t be caught dead letting my kid go to.
Milton says
I suppose I’m supposed to be annoyed, but I’m fine with this. When stupidity happens on the national level, where all are required to comply and there are no alternatives, their are no consequences. But at the very local level like this, at a single university, the problem will resolve itself over time, as long as the stupidity is revealed to a wide audience and isn’t kept hidden. Graduates of the university will be passed over by employers seeking competence and the ability to think, serious students and parents will choose other universities, liberal-minded companies who hires these inadequately educated graduates will be unable to compete, etc. There are only so many government/union/think-tank/entitlement type jobs to be had, since these unproductive endeavors have to be supported by productive endeavors to put food on the table.
Randy335 says
The issue here is not the students. It is the fact that University administration actually caved and took steps to discipline the dean. Colleges are supposed to be places where thoughts can exchanged and discussed openly without fear of retribution. These are books that have been read for years and have been the basis for critical thinking. These spoiled brats getting their way does not help them in the educational process and the administration should realize that by caving they have stunted the students’ academic growth. What are these “students” going to do when they actually get there feelings hurt by a boss with whom they don’t agree? Ask for his resignation? How many lower echelon workers have disagreed with a superior or have somehow felt that their opinion didn’t matter? Nearly everyone. I believe the one that should be dismissed is the interim provost. He doesn’t have the guts or brains to be in that position.
Jeff Pringle says
They should be stripped of all funding if they don’t fire these moron staffers and shit down.
Ken says
What a sad commentary on Catholic education.
billjcanada says
As this is in Seattle the communist/socialist /stupidity capitol of the west coast It is normal. What need to actually happen is to collect the little sniveling whining failures names and throw them out of school. It will be no big deal as they will grow up and become burger flippers.and welfare kings and queens. Maybe they need a good ass kicking to jump start their pathetic pea size brains.
John Parson says
These students need to be dismissed from school, if they don’t like what the school teaches they shouldn’t be there wasting their parents money or the free money whatever the case. And most of all wasting other students time that are there to learn something, some working their way through school. They are not capable of reading the assigned reading list, which is no doubt the problem, they just aren’t able to do the college level work, so maybe remedial classes would better suit these losers. In any case get security to pick them up and throw them into the street for trespassing, and wouldn’t it be just to bad if a couple of them got face slammed into the pavement while being escorted out of the building? On second thought if they need a hand getting these punks out of the building I think I could be there in about 45 minutes. Call me.
Army Vet 4444 says
If one of those students had been mine, I would have explained the facts of life to them. 1) they are NOT there for “social media” or it’s needs, NOT there for “Social Justice Warriors”, 2) they ARE there to learn, and to make good grades, and if I EVER find them in a “protest” instead of being in class, then their funding would be gone, poof, and they could learn to say, “Do you want fries with that” for the rest of their life.
Cindy Tyson says
Stop caving in to these types of demands. Kick them out and make sure that they are not allowed back in.
Army Vet 4444 says
This is BS people.