Seattle Mayor Ed Murray declared a “state of civil emergency” about homelessness in Seattle earlier this year. This after the city of Seattle, in 2004, embarked on a 10-year plan to end homelessness.
The situation in in Seattle is certainly a human tragedy, and one which liberal politicians seem unable to solve despite throwing money at it. Now, they want to essentially turn the city into a campground.
Any thoughts on how that will turn out?
Set them up in state parks and fund them with Discover Pass monies. At least, it will give the appearance the program is working.
What Discover pass money ? 10% goes to DNR 10% to fish and wild life. 80% goes to state parks. Which the Democrats a few sessions back decided the parks should be self sufficent. Only problem was the dems also put in groups who get free passes .
There seems to be a direct correlation between spending more money on homelessness and it’s increase over the last 10 years. So with my keen powers of perception I am goin to go out on a limb and suggest they stop spending money on the homeless for the next 10 years and see if the problem doesn’t subside significantly.
Any act of stupidity on your part does not constitute an emergency on our part. Take them home with you and let the camp on your lawn.
Not well… We need to toss all these loons to the streets and let the homeless live in their homes and yards.
Ah, the Great Society; The Dems give ’em a dime, keep them on the plantation and collect a vote every four years.