Seattle’s ultra-liberal city council decided that being in the state with the highest minimum wage wasn’t anti-business enough – so a special committee took the next step towards blowing by the state’s current $9.32 minimum wage to implement a $15 per hour wage law inside the city limits.
But even that step wasn’t enough for Socialist gadfly Kshama Sawant, who argued that the law would leave minimum wage workers in “poverty” waiting for the 11 years it would take for all Seattle businesses to get to the same minimum wage level – of $18.13 an hour.
Evidently in Sawant’s world, all workers are destined to stay at the minimum wage level for at least a decade – and only government intervention can save them from the evil capitalists who pay their wages.
Now it’s on to a final vote on Monday, when council members Nick Licata and Tom Rasmussen will be back in town. Already labor is agitating for more anti-business changes to the $15 minimum wage bill.
No surprise here. Seattle, there are consequences for your stupidity. I for one will relish watching your ridiculous scheme fall apart.
I can’t believe the dummies on the city council in Seattle haven’t read what happened in SeaTac. The workers aren’t happy because their hours have been slashed and their perks went bye-bye. Business owners are NOT going to give up their profits. Duh! Are these people really that stupid??????? Who voted for these doornknobs? And who the hell does Kwasharma Schwama think she is????? If she is so into communism, she needs to get the hell out of America and find a nice communist country to ruin.
Seattle and Western Washington are overrun with the idiots from San Francisco. Welcome to Havanna.
Some really are that stupid, the others are progressives. Progressives are intent on the destruction of our economy so they can be the good guys picking up the pieces. They count on the workers blaming the companies and not the idiotic policies of the government.
Let the morons faze them selves out. As soon as they ruin seattle it will be a ghost town. look on the bright side, no traffic.
HAHAHAHAHAH DO IT!!! And watch businesses flee to Tacoma! Fine with me! I avoid Seattle like the Communist boil on the butt of WA it is!
When Seattle is a ghost town like Detroit, then maybe the humble and meek can rule this state once again.
Watch Seattle crumble. All that will remain are the queers and the communists. Used to be a great city, but then so did Detroit. You morons in seattle voting in fags rights and socialists to your government deserve what you get. The 12th man wont be able to find 12 men to attend their seachicken games.
wow…thanks for that.