For a couple of days, we all were pleasantly surprised with the prospect that the proposal to buy the failed bike-share company Pronto deadlocked on a 3-3 vote in the Seattle City Council’s transportation committee.
Here’s the thing though, turns out that committee chair and rabid greenie Mike O’Brien can’t count. Evidently the councilmembers on the transportation committee merely reported the vote count wrong. Via the Seattle Times:
“Rather than raise their hands when the council’s transportation committee voted Tuesday on whether to rescue the Pronto bike-sharing program, the six council members present said “Aye,” or “No” into their microphones. Councilmember Mike O’Brien, who chairs the committee, announced the result as a 3-3 split.
“O’Brien, Kshama Sawant and Rob Johnson voted to save Pronto, while Lisa Herbold, Tim Burgess and Debora Juarez voted against it, O’Brien’s office said afterward.”
Only, that’s not what happened. For some unknown reason, Juarez didn’t contest O’Brien’s report at the time. But, she actually voted “Aye.” That means the real result was “4-2 in favor of buying the struggling bike-sharing program for $1.4 million.”
The council’s official record now reflects the actual vote. The new result means the proposal will head to a full council vote with a committee recommendation.
In all likelihood, the council will vote to use $1.4 million of taxpayers’ hard-earned dollars to buy a failed bike share company. Even if they can’t count correctly.
Bob_Knows says
Even if people don’t want a bike rental enough to pay what it costs.