Patty Murray has been in the U.S Senate since 1993, so she has been through the “why we lost the election” drill before. Yesterday, she spoke to the Seattle Times on her first day back on the job since her party took a shellacking in the 2014 midterms. She told the Times that — contrary to reality — she is “looking forward to working with the new Republican Senate majority.” Of course, Murray reveals her true feelings by then pointing out that she is watching for signs of “tea-party insurrection.”
For the first time in eight years, Murray and her fellow Democrats will serve as the minority when the 114th Congress begins in January. Murray gave her take on why Democrats lost eight seats (nine if Louisiana votes Sen. Mary Landrieu out next month), suggesting that the American people sent “a message of disillusionment.”
Her analysis takes a turn toward blind denial when she attributed the reason why more Democrats than Republicans fell victim to said disillusionment to “more Democratic seats being in play.” The Times goes on to point out that “21 of the 36 Senate seats in this year’s contest were held by Democrats.” However, neither the Seattle Times nor Murray bother to mention that no Republican lost a seat, and that the GOP was able to beat more than two Democrat incumbents (four so far, with a fifth when Landrieu loses) for the first time since 1980.
Rather than look for nonsensical explanations as to why voters overwhelmingly rejected her party, Murray should spend some time re-evaluating Democrats’ out-of-touch ideology—liberalism. But, of course, she won’t.
That’s probably why Murray “declined to say whether she supported a push by Landrieu and other Democrats to hold a vote to approve the Keystone XL pipeline to pump Canadian tar-sand oil to refineries in the Gulf of Mexico.” (Even though she is on record as opposing Keystone). The vote comes as an act of political desperation designed to increase Landrieu’s re-election chances in a state that supports the pipeline.
Keystone would also create jobs that have been lacking under the Democrat Senate that Murray is a leader in. But, that wouldn’t explain any of those Democrat Senate losses, would it?
Biff says
And exactly what is she going to do if she sees “signs of a tea party insurrection”?
She will declare marshal law
scooter says
Cry, and then pee down her leg.
jenniecs says
Good one.
MeanieHead says
Hopefully it will cause her to get a new haircut. Yikes.
Biff says
And some teeth whitening….
tensor says
… she is watching for signs of “tea-party insurrection.”
That didn’t take long:
Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), the likely future Senate majority leader, promised outright at his first post-election press conference last week that there would be no government shutdowns or defaults on the national debt.
But McConnell’s promise seems irreconcilable with his resolve, in the same speech, to use the “power of the purse” and the budget process to “push back” against the administration’s “overactive bureaucracy.”
This is the tactic that led to the 2013 shutdown, when Republicans, led by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), wanted to use the budget bill to de-fund or delay the Affordable Care Act.
This is your Tea Party: loudly and proudly doing the same thing over and over again, each time smugly and serenely confident of obtaining a completely different result.
Bond James says
By de-funding a specific item or items not in “their” constituents best interest is exactly what the congress is supposed to do! It’s called checks and balances. I believe you’ll find it in the constitution, not that you would care to look. It is also the document that has allowed untold millions to be complete morons for the last 200+ by giving them the liberty to descent against it. Kinda like putting a knife to your throat and turning your head back and forth.
tensor says
They were holding the budget and credit rating of the United States hostage because they opposed a bill which had already passed. Lacking the ability to over-ride a veto of any rescinding act for the ACA, they were playing the almighty Take My Ball And Go Home Rule. How’d that work?
Patricia says
She is watching for signs of Patriotism, something as a Senator she should be upholding, not diminishing. She is a disgrace to all the other mothers in tennis shoes. She doesn’t get it. Americans are tired of supporting everybody but themselves and it has nothing to do with greed. It has to do with the reality that America is falling apart at the seams while sending billions to other nations that burn our flag. It has to do with being sick and tired of all the squeaky wheels we are greasing to keep them quiet. It has to do with politicians who stay in office too long losing touch with the realities of their constituents. I could go on forever and ever but we don’t want Communism and therefor we don’t want the Democrats.
The Senator has no idea what the voters message is all about. She is either in denial or she is as dumb as a rock. Perhaps the liberals need to pay attention to their constituents and not their special interest and the wealthy that help them with staying in power.
scooter says
Her and Obama heard the voters message just fine, but they’ll ignore it and push their agenda anyways.
tensor says
It’s almost too bad Senator Murray isn’t in an office like the lower House, where she’d run every two years. After each of her re-elections, we get the delightful entertainment of conservative guys gnashing their teeth, demanding to know, “How can this stupid woman keep defeating all of us self-described political geniuses?!?!?” An enduring mystery, that…
It is no mystery how a dumb person gets voted in. She is the product of the dumb liberal hippies of the pudget sound. Birds of the same feathers flock together.
tensor says
“… of the pudget sound.”
Most of us who live here — even “dumb liberal hippies” — can spell properly. It seems Senator Murray’s detractors are the exceptions.
You have nothing to say but to correct a my spelling.
This says a lot of how dumb down sheep that you
are by following your shepherd to your demise. Keep bleating sheep you will end up in the slaughter house.
tensor says
Try writing something worthy of a response, Ben.
Also, are we birds or sheep? You seem confused.
Confused?? Considering the tree that you fell off it is of no surprise. You need to stop smoking weed it is clouding your thoughts. It is no good to smoke that garbage in about 20 years will be suing the government for not warning you that it was bad for you. I will be seeing you on TV with a tube through your throat and will say “stop using weed please, this is what happens when you use weed”.
tensor says
Ben, we voters legalized recreational use of marijuana, not marijuana laced with PCP. Please don’t toke on the latter before coming here.
But, by all means, please keep posting comments with poor spelling, bad punctuation, hideous grammar, and no facts, describing Sen. Murray and her supporters as stupid.
Again, this is the reality of what is going on in WA. People driving. Under the influence. You guys will kill innocent people by smoking that garbage.
Sheep! Get back in line and follow your shepherd to your demise. Just keep getting high you will be on TV with Patty claiming it was bad.
MeanieHead says
Have you ever written to Murray about anything you genuinely opposed her regarding? I have. The response was mind boggling. Do you know why it was mind boggling? She responded at length about something I was not remotely interested in and it had nothing to do with my question. Either her staff is mentally impaired or she is, but since she has to represent ALL of her constituents and not just the blue ones, I found it very offensive.
tensor says
Since you didn’t provide any of the communications, we have no way of evaluating your statements. (Just how much time is a senior federal senator supposed to spend, responding to one citizen who will never support her?)
Yes, I opposed her support of our attack on Iraq in 2003. Her response to me cited her belief in the W administration’s claims that Iraq posed a threat to us. I trust the subsequent revelations about Iraq’s WMDs taught her just how large an error she had made.
Tell that person the truth. If you don’t have the red commie card you are not a worthy constituent.
Come one you felty brainwashed sheep.
Sheep! Get back in line and follow your shepherd to your demise.
MeanieHead says
You’re dipsticks.
MeanieHead says
It’s really not a mystery. I’m sure a scholar such as yourself is smart enough to figure out how to read the state voting results.
Clay Fitzgerald says
“She is either in denial or she is as dumb as a rock.” I’ll go with the latter.
ljm4 says
She won the Capitol award for being the dumbest Congressperson a few years back. But, gee, that was scrubbed too from the web. More than her tennis shoes stink!…
Normally hippies don’t shower, therefore it is in their nature to smell bad. Have you see some of them with those nasty dreadlock. They do smell pretty bad. Weed on liberals hippies.
Brian Hart says
Funny, a ‘D’ word describes both the voters and Murray: Disillusionment for the voter (the Democratic voter, primarily) and Delusional for Murray (interestingly, also primarily attributable to the Democratic voter). Moreover, if you include the word Disturbed, then you have Jay Ins[hull]leeee by description, too (Please note: I did not misspell Inslee, I merely don’t know how to present speech and cognitive impediments in proper grammatical form).
[email protected] says
Patty Murray can plug her ears and cover her eyes but come 2016 I hope she is voted out of office along with cantwell. These 2 senators are 2 of the many democrats that voted for the United Nations to come into the USA and take our guns. Pro gun or anti gun makes little difference. Throwing out our Constitution and welcoming muslim nations in is close to treason ! Here see for your self.
tensor says
…but come 2016 I hope she is voted out of office along with cantwell.
Care to place a wager? Although I am normally not a betting man, I would be willing to place some scratch on Senator Cantwell not being voted out of office in 2016.
MeanieHead says
I don’t believe either one will be unless the GOP can put up a candidate that really knocks people’s socks off. There are far too many liberal dipsticks in Seattle and King County. Turning this state red is a major renovation.
You can never turn that State into Red because the drug addicts hippies, brainwashed liberals that control the whole state in Seattle.
The governor is a against corporations that keep that State afloat with jobs.
Needless to say, the liberal hippies vote themselves tax increase. Now they voted for I1351 small class sizes. Now WA has to increase taxes again because they will need $4B to fund that initiative.
No wonder these politicians and their constituents have no clue how to manage their money. No matter how much tax they increase they are always short of money. Darn corrupted liberal and hippies are ruining a real nice State.
jwmiller says
And who’s been reelecting her since 1993? Constituent Moaning & Whining will not be tolerated.
Clay Fitzgerald says
I’ve never voted for the shallow minded, lackluster, self absorbed mom in tennis shoes. Her primary if not sole motivation for her to first run for public office was that her teaching job, teaching a parenting class that no one took, was going to be eliminated.
MeanieHead says
Not me. I never vote Democrat. Ever. I don’t care if the Republican is the creepiest thing on 1 leg.
yrlad says
I wish to Christ this dumb woman would have been on the ballot this year. I would have loved to have heard her spin on the VA scandal. Every election cycle she spews disingenuous crap about caring for the veteran’s because here father was one. Her so called love of veterans is BS! The dipshit in tennis shoes needs to be retired.
She will plead the fifth and claim she didn’t know anything about it
tensor says
During an election of “historic” and “stunning” change, Republicans here in Washington State took exactly zero Congressional seats from the Democrats, did not take the gavel from Speaker Frank Chopp (D-Seattle), and went all the way to an actual majority in the state Senate, from the bought & bullied “majority coalition” they’d cobbled together in fine Frankenstein style. One-half out of three ain’t bad, of course, but maybe Washington State’s senior Senator knows of what she speaks?
The___Don says
She has the common sense of a turnip. So does the state of Washington.
tensor says
And yet she’s defeated the best Republicans have to offer, election after election after election. During her first re-election campaign, she faced Linda Smith in the sixth year of President Clinton’s term — the worst possible time for an incumbent Democrat. She trounced Smith with ease. Her next re-election she shared with W’s re-election, and her most recent made a three-time loser out of Dino Rossi. She’s repeatedly triumphed in the toughest re-elections an incumbent can face. Nice work. GOP.
The___Don says
I don’t argue with facts regarding the way Washington State voters vote. What I wrote is my OPINION of her and Washington State voters. Let’s think about Rossi for a minute. The State Supreme court made him a loser in what I consider the most corrupt election ever held in our state. That’s not sour grapes, that is a fact.
tensor says
Since it’s such an obvious “fact”, you’ll have no difficulty providing a link to the decision made by our “State Supreme Court” concerning Mr. Rossi’s non-election to our Governorship, right?
You think … Liberals conjured the votes 3 times. Once the results were in their favor they stop counting. Dead people, children, and prisoners voted too. Without them the liberals will not win.
She doesn’t know what a turnip is
Clay Fitzgerald says
Patty Murray is nothing more than a pathetic little troll. She’s been raised to a leadership position 4th highest among democrats in the senate, but she can’t lead a fish to water. Her record is abysmal at best.
tensor says
And yet, she’s not merely defeated every one of her challengers in difficult elections, her defeat terminated each challenger’s entire political career. Sounds like she understands the voters pretty well indeed.
Clay Fitzgerald says
Well, anyone in the State of Washington can get elected if they have a D to go along with their name and is a dyed in the wool liberal. In one of the states legislative districts the democrat got elected over the republican even though the D for the party of the winner actually meant ‘dead’ literally.
MeanieHead says
There is no such thing as a difficult election in this state for a Democrat because of the libtards in Seattle and King County. How long have you lived here anyway? Are you new?
Biff says
Tensor has his special rose-colored “liberal vision” glasses on. Looking through them, everything from the left passes with a groundswell of popular support and anything that passes from the right does so through nefarious means and Koch bros. money. The guy actually claimed he never saw one pro I-594 ad while the rest of us were bombarded with dozens per day for 2.5 months
tensor says
Biff, on I-594, you were the one yelling about how “gun-grabbing billionaires” had “duped” voters into believing a “big lie.” You cited no evidence of any kind to support your claims. I’m sorry you spent so much of our beautiful Summer weather watching television, but I wasn’t even in the country for some of the time before the election.
Yeah you were high and out of your mind.
tensor says
What powerful drug did you use to discombobulate your brain from reality? It seems more potent than even the finest in legal Washington-grown marijuana, given your demonstrated inability to spell, punctuate, use grammar, or even to type a complete sentence.
Your marijuana is destroying your thinking skills, please quit now while you are somewhat normal. I understand that you are as smart as a sheep. Your shepherd Patty did a number on t you. Perhaps you are not getting enough sun. You guys drive high on weed, suicidal, and most of all produce serial killers and child molesters . You guys can’t drive on wet roads, dramatically reduce speed at the highway just to stare someone that is changing a tire. You vote yourselves tax increase like there is no tomorrow. You are a bunch dread locked simpleton that believe what the The Stranger says. Uneducated bunch that will believe what the The Stranger and the nanny state says and do. Sheep! Get back in line and follow your shepherd to your demise.
tensor says
“… I don’t don’t [sic] do drugs…”
Taken literally, that might be the most plausible thing you’ve yet written here, (A low bar, yes, but still…)
But please, by all means, keep up with your barrage of poorly-punctuated, incomplete and run-on sentences, groundlessly accusing us liberals of having drug-addled minds. If nothing else, you’ve really raised the level of discourse here from what the front-page posters provide.
You are slow minded person.
tensor says
Wow! An entire sentence, and better yet, one which is almost grammatical. You are indeed very well-qualified to tell us drug-addled liberals how stupid Senator Murray really is.
People like you need to do some soul searching. That is all. Have a sheep life, blaaaaaah.
tensor says
“People like you need to do some soul searching.”
Says the guy typing aliterate, contrary-to-fact, failed attempts at insults, to persons he’s never met and does not know. Priceless!
“Have a sheep life, blaaaaaah.”
Why do I envision a Monty Python sketch, with a male dullard in a Bo Peep costume, yelling commands at sheep who blithely ignore him?
Wait. I don’t know what the voter message is. Please explain your ideology to us… We are looking forward what the shepherd is going to say next.
By the way you guys need marijuana to cope in that State. You guys can’t face reality. For your information, I don’t don’t do drugs I can cope with reality not like you that need something to alter your already fried mind.
Biff says
You were out of the country from August 15th right up til November 4th, had you’re ballot forwarded to you and carefully researched your vote. Yeah, yeah, sure, sure, I believe that. What about your next door neighbor? And the one on the other side? What a stunning coincidence, NOBODY had their vote swayed by the weepy woman? I’m convinced.
I hate to break it to you, but your liberal billionaire overlords don’t give two shakes about background checks, it the universal part that gets them moist. Background checks are just another annoying hoop law-abiding citizens have to jump through to exercise their constitutional right but the universal part is a registry of where EVERY legally acquired gun is! It’s a confiscationist’s dream! What? That could never happen in New York or Connecticut, so it’ll never happen in Washington.
As for your claim of the Missouri murder rate “dramatically” increasing after background checks were repealed, check this out:
No rational person could look at that state-by-state chart and zero in on Missouri in 2008 as a “dramatic” increase. FBI data cited. So that’s what you based your carefully researched vote on? Wow.
tensor says
Yes, I travel a fair amount, both for business and personal reasons. Yes, I take my responsibilities as a citizen seriously, and there’s this thing called the “world wide web” you may have heard about — it makes keeping informed much easier, even when traveling. Watching television, by contrast, is not something I spend much time doing. (You might want to do less of it yourself — it seems unhealthy for you.)
Yeah, yeah, sure, sure, I believe that.
Who cares what you believe? You’ve made it clear in this thread your beliefs are based on speculation, innumeracy, rumor, and fear — not facts.
Background checks are just another annoying hoop law-abiding citizens have to jump through to exercise their constitutional right…
I like the dissonance between your lecturing the rest of us on how “felons are barred from owning guns,” and also rejecting the actual legal safeguard against felons buying guns. There’s a reason you were left spluttering the risible line about how there are no felons buying weapons at gun shows. Without the background checks, how do we know?
No rational person could look at that state-by-state chart and zero in on Missouri in 2008 as a “dramatic” increase.
Here are the numbers, straight from the chart, for Missouri, 2004-2008:
6.2, 6.9, 6.3, 6.5, 7.7
No, no dramatic increase jumping out at you there. My god, you really are innumerate.
News flash: Bill Gates doesn’t want your guns. The only thing the rest of us care about your guns is they don’t get sold to sketchy characters at gun shows. End of story.
tensor says
There is no such thing as a difficult election in this state for a Democrat because of the libtards in Seattle and King County.
“Daniel T. Satterberg is King County Prosecuting Attorney, an office he has held since 2007. He is a member of the Republican Party.”
Typical Seattle libs, electing a flower child instead of an experienced prosecutor. When will we ever learn?
How long have you lived here anyway?
I voted for Patty Murray in 1992, 1998, 2004, and 2010. (The 2004 election would have been a difficult call, due to her complicity with W in the needless deaths of thousands of American soldiers in Iraq, but her opponent was George Nethercutt, who had been elected to Congress on a blatant lie about term limits, so lesser of two evils and all that.)
Biff says
Being one herself, She understands King County liberals very well
ljm4 says
Patty Murray is a commie right along with McDermott. They will not be truthful. Period. I’ve caught her phone pawns lying when I call for clarification of Murry’s stand. They lied about birth control. They would not respond to her standing O for the bamster when he said he’d work around Congress…They use illegals to canvas communities for votes. She’s scrubbed the internet of the video where she is lying about how good obamadon’tcare is going to be. She lied about keeping our doctor, etc. She is not to be trusted. She proves it by hiding! She is gaming the good citizens of Washington state. Murray is an obstructionist.
MeanieHead says
She and Cantwell are both disgusting. i can’t wait to get her out of DC. She needs to be booted. Unfortunately, with so many idiots in Seattle, I’m worried we’ll be stuck with her until she dies in office.
Eastside Sanity says
1993? There’s 21 years we’ll never get back.
lovestohike says
Patty Murray is the most ignorant person in the Senate. She has no understanding of issues.
She asks questions that are not insightful.
She is full of herself and refuses to listen.
She is an obstructionist but does not know why.
She does not know how to wear her hair – which always looks like the worst hair cut in American history