President Barack Obama was the subject of scathing criticism– from reporter Ron Fournier and fellow Democrats – in a piece in the highly respected National Journal today, which lamented Obama’s dismal leadership on both international and domestic fronts. Fournier wrote,
“The Islamic State that President Obama dismissed as “JV” proved to be a virulent varsity—gobbling up gobs of the Middle East, beheading an American journalist, and threatening the United States. Russia invaded Ukraine. Ferguson burned. Obama shrugged.”
Fournier isn’t the only one criticizing Obama. On Sunday, Democrat Sen. Dianne Feinstein stated that the president was “too cautious.” In direct contrast to Obama’s stance, Democrat Sen. Robert Menendez called Russia’s aggression toward Ukraine an “invasion.” European leaders are waiting to see whether or not Obama is even capable of charting a “clear, decisive course.”
Meanwhile, Obama’s administration does not seem to understand Americans’ growing frustration. Fournier wrote that the White House public relations staff “must think Americans are pretty dumb.” Their lame explanations for Obama’s out-of-touch responses to world crises serve as proof.
As for Obama, rather than clarity, he only offers Americans “condescending lectures, like the one [he] gave rich supporters about a messy world and social media.” Obama stated,
“The truth of the matter is that the world has always been messy… In part, we’re just noticing now because of social media and our capacity to see in intimate detail the hardships that people are going through.”
Responding to Obama’s simplistic and self-serving analysis, Fournier wrote,
“No, that’s not it. The truth of the matter is that Americans have always noticed how messy the world can be. Somebody needs to tell Obama there was media before social media.
“What’s unique about our times is the nature of the threats—suicidal, homicidal, genocidal terrorists, well armed and organized, seeking the destruction of the United States. The other difference: the lack of Western leadership, starting with the president himself.”
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