Despite the belief that Obamacare would cure all of our nation’s healthcare problems, businesses are realizing again the costly ramifications of this bill – and being hit hard.
“Nearly two-thirds of companies facing a new ObamaCare tax say they are changing their coverage to avoid the extra costs… The so-called Cadillac tax, which applies to healthcare plans above a certain expense threshold, is one of the most pressing changes still to come under ObamaCare…
“Only 2.5 percent of companies that would be hit by the Cadillac tax starting in 2018 said they plan to pay the tax… [with] 62 percent of companies… hav[ing] already taken action or plan to take action to avoid it…
“Under ObamaCare, healthcare customers who receive benefits above $10,200 for individual coverage and $27,500 for family coverage will be forced to pay a tax of 40 percent.
“The tax, which has been increasingly under fire from Congress, is intended to help pay for ObamaCare.
“Overall, many businesses are bracing for steeper healthcare costs… one-third believe 2016 will be their costliest year… 27 percent expect to pay the most in 2018, when the Cadillac tax goes into effect.
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