According to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll, a record 54% of Americans oppose Obamacare. That’s the “highest disapproval rating ever in the Post-ABC poll–and a six point increase in unpopularity since last year.” Breitbart,
Support for President Barack Obama’s unpopular signature legislative achievement registered at just 39%, which “ties the record low” as seen in April 2012.
The bleak Obamacare poll numbers come as Obama’s controversial healthcare law faces an uncertain future before the Supreme Court.
On Tuesday, Obama launched a new website in an effort to tout Obamacare’s “successes.”
However, with Obamacare now over five years into its existence, it remains unclear how Obama can turn around broad-based negative public perceptions about a law that will cost U.S. taxpayers $2.6 trillion in its first 10 years alone–and that is set to send health insurance premiums skyrocketing this year.
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