You can tell they are getting pretty confident – or just bored – in the White House, when they start having the President make noise for first-time liberal state legislative candidates. Such is the case in King County’s 41st District, where Seattle blog Publicola reports that President Barack Obama has released “an (admittedly canned) statement” that suggests incumbent State Senator Steve Litzow is one of those “extreme Republican candidates” that all good Democrats must work to defeat.
In even more of a stretch, Obama calls Lisa Wellman one of those “strong Democrats” that he can really get behind. The fact that she was the Democrats’ fourth (or maybe fifth) choice to run against Litzow, announcing he candidacy a week before filing in May, evidently wasn’t in the talking points the president was given about the race.
Additionally, the president must not have been given the Seattle Times editorial from August, when the paper noted “Wellman was surprisingly unprepared to discuss education issues in play in recent years.”
One can only hope that voters will listen to folks who actually know something about both candidates. As the Times points out, voters should re-elect Litzow “because the Mercer Island Republican has been an effective leader since he was first elected to the Legislature in 2010. His experience is needed as the state enters the home stretch of a long-overdue education-funding overhaul.”
That’s the type of expertise that a president might respect in a candidate – but only, of course, if there was a D on the party line after the name.
You can tell they are getting pretty confident – or just bored – in the White House, when they start having the President make noise for first-time liberal state legislative candidates.
That certainly sounds unusual. Why does the incumbent president have that luxury? Why does he behave as if the federal office races are simply not competitive? What has a web site owned by a Republican campaign consultancy have to tell us about this state of affairs?
Not sounding unusual is The Seattle Times endorsement of a Republican candidate. In this case, the endorsement comes with the interesting idea that a person who spent years creating the current problem is the best choice to solve that very problem.
We can only hope the voters on Mercer Island treat the Seattle Times’ endorsement of a Republican with exactly the same respect shown for such endorsements by the actual voters in Seattle.
“What has a web site owned by a Republican campaign consultancy have to tell us about this state of affairs?”
So are you saying you lied about not knowing who owns anonymous Shift? That’s the lying Democrat you are.
“In this case, the endorsement comes with the interesting idea that a person who spent years creating the current problem is the best choice to solve that very problem”
It’s interesting how a first-term Senator can spend years creating a problem, but other Senators (D) who spend decades creating the same problem are cool with your hyper-partisan Democrat self. Kinda like another first-term Senator who has such clout he can get a “pure pork” freeway built in Spokane by himself, yet the Speaker of the House (D) can spend decades getting his family crony jobs at state buildings and you proudly keep voting (D) for him.
It’s also interesting how informed you are on two first-term Senators, since you have never lived in their respective districts and never voted for or against either one, but claimed to not know comrade Sawant had campaign signs, (She had signs? What did they say?) even though pictures of the signs appeared on the very site you’re posting you’re Democratic (D) blather on.
Just another day for a Democrat (D) shill like yourself.
So are you saying you lied about not knowing who owns anonymous Shift?
How about you provide a link to the thread where I made that statement? Because your opinion of what I wrote may or may not bear any resemblence to what I actually wrote.
Although Shift’s owners are so incredibly proud of the material posted here they completely refuse to admit responsibility for it, some research revealed Shift is registered to Sermo Digital, a Republican consulting firm. Hence my question to them, as it pertains directly to their claimed area of expertise.
“It’s interesting how a first-term Senator can spend years creating a problem,”
As Shift notes, Sen. Litzow was first elected in 2010.
“How about you provide a link to the thread where I made that statement?”
I’m not going to wade through months and months of your National (Democratic) Socialist drivel just to prove you lied. You did, you know you did and so does everyone else. If I was a lying Democrat, I’d probably be ashamed to admit it, too.
“As Shift notes, Sen. Litzow was first elected in 2010”
As you failed to note in your attack on Sen. Litzow, The Choppster (D) was first elected in 1994 and has spent almost 4 times as many hyper-partisan years creating the exact same problem, but he’s cool with your Democrat self, because of the (D) after his name.
I’m not going to wade through months and months of your National (Democratic) Socialist drivel just to prove you lied.
Assertions made without evidence will be dismissed without evidence. (And Nazi-baiting really doesn’t confer credibility upon the accuser, just so you know.)
As you failed to note in your attack on Sen. Litzow,
As you failed to note in your non-admission of failure, a first-term senator can indeed spend years getting a contempt-of–court charge.
“Assertions made without evidence will be dismissed without evidence”
Where’d you hear that, comrade counselor (D)? Did one of your unelected blowhard billionaire commissars tell you that was how you think?
“(And Nazi-baiting really doesn’t confer credibility upon the accuser, just so you know.)”
(And baiting isn’t baiting until herr comrade takes the bait, just so you know.)
“a first-term senator can indeed spend years earning a contempt-of-court charge”
As you often say when you’re defending your felonious Democratic Party brethren, Where’s the indictment? How much time will he serve?
“(That’s because legislative terms can last longer than a single year, just so you know.)”
No kidding. In Seattle and King County, if you have the right letter after your name (D), legislative terms can and often do last a lifetime, regardless of total failure to solve the problem after a generation of (D) control. Yeah, Blame the new guy for all your malfeasance. Pass the buck, that’s what it means to be a Democrat like you these days, just so you know.
Where’d you hear that, comrade counselor (D)? Did one of your unelected blowhard billionaire commissars tell you that was how you think?
If I recall correctly, my high school teachers required us to know that for graduation. (They had this thing about the difference between “opinions” and “facts.” You must be so confused….)
As you often say when you’re defending your felonious Democratic Party brethren, Where’s the indictment? How much time will he serve?
If you actually knew enough about the McCleary decision to comment upon it, you’d know it’s a civil case, not a criminal one, and therefore the enforcement mechanism is a fine, which our legislature is now paying.
… In Seattle and King County, if you have the right letter after your name (D), legislative terms can and often do last a lifetime,
You’re confusing the length of a single term with the ability to get re-elected to multiple terms. Since both concepts are key to how free citizens govern themselves in a republic, it’s little wonder you don’t understand.
Tensor- I’d be willing to bet that Scoop or Maggy would have no hope of winning in this, the Peoples’ Republic of Washington today . That’s how far left your party has drifted.
I’m not a Democrat, so I’ll have to leave that judgment to one of them.
“I’m not a Democrat”
If I was a Democrat like you, I’d be so ashamed, I’d lie about it, too.
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