In trying to defend his administration’s healthcare “architect” Jonathan Gruber, President Barack Obama decided that the American people have forgotten he said “If you like your health care plan, you can keep it” – which was named PolitiFact’s “Lie of the Year” in for 2013?
People by now know that Gruber is the “consultant” who was paid about $400,000 to help impose Obamacare on the American people, and who Democrats are now running away from after his comment that “the stupidity of the American vote” was key to fooling enough people to pass Obamacare.
Obama decided that he would join Gruber in insulting the intelligence of the American voter, by answering “No I did not” when asked whether he “misled the American public” to get Obamacare passed.
Evidently the President thinks that being caught in the “Lie of the Year” to help pass Obamacare does not qualify misleading the American public.
Or he just agrees with Gruber that the Americans are stupid.
I’ll be GLAD when we don’t have the president in office anymore. I’m EXTREMELY disappointed in him. He’s made me ashamed to be an American citizen. We need to clean up the government and start fresh. in disgust.