President Obama’s contempt for Republican members of Congress shown through this week as tensions over the prospect of a GOP take-over rises. The Washington Post,
“From the Rose Garden to the Cabinet Room to near the Key Bridge in Georgetown, the president has signaled more than mere annoyance at the state of affairs at the halfway point of this year. His disdain for congressional Republicans has steadily increased; his disrespect for their tactics has hardened into contempt…
“We’re not always going to be able to get things through Congress, at least this Congress, the way we want to,” Obama said at his Cabinet meeting. “But we sure as heck can make sure that the folks back home know that we’re pushing their agenda.”
“Obama’s goal in all this is obvious. He desperately wants to avoid seeing the Senate fall into Republican hands. The GOP needs to gain only six seats to take full control of Congress for Obama’s final two years in office. Though some of the races they hoped would materialize haven’t yet done so, there are more than enough opportunities for the Republicans to do so.”
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