A new Gallup poll reveals President Obama’s approval rating is approaching the worst of his presidency. Roll Call,
The Gallup daily tracking poll had Obama’s approval rating at just 40 percent, down 3 points from Oct. 30. His disapproval rating held steady Sunday at an ugly 54 percent. It’s worth noting that in many battleground states where control of the Senate will be won or lost, Obama’s poll ratings have been even worse, providing a significant drag on his party’s prospects.
Obama’s campaigning has been confined to strongly blue states where Senate races are not being fiercely contested. On Sunday, with the chamber appearing to be tilting toward the GOP, the president headed to Connecticut for a campaign event for Gov. Dannel P. Malloy and later a campaign event in Philadelphia for Democratic gubernatorial candidate Tom Wolf. Wolf is favored by the Rothenberg Political Report/Roll Call to win. Malloy’s race is rated a Tossup.
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