Senator Patty Murray took to the editorial pages of the Seattle Times today to rail against the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) act. Evidently, she is quite upset over the 2001 education reform law and wants people to know almost 14 years later how disgusted she is by it.
Murray must think that it will play well to her base – she has an election coming up in less than two years – to attack a law first proposed by President George W. Bush. Her name-calling is familiar to those who have endured the Left’s hyperbole against all things connect to the former President:
“NCLB has proved to be a deeply broken law”
“It prescribed one-size-fits-all remedies”
”it punished schools”
“the law is so bad”
“unrealistic requirements”
Yet, nowhere in the piece does Murray reveal that she voted “YES” on No Child Left Behind. There is no mea culpa for her mistake, no regrets expressed for supporting this piece of legislation she now holds up for scorn.
Just crickets when it comes to her vote for the law.
Murray’s staff also appeared at a loss for other words when writing the editorial for her, as she called it “broken” no less than five times in the short editorial. Yet, her ultimate complaint appears to be more local: “The law is so bad that the U.S. Department of Education began issuing waivers,” but “Washington state had received a waiver but lost it last year.”
Left out of that statement was the fact that Washington State did not lose the waiver last year – rather, Murray’s fellow Democrats in the State Legislature gave it away. The liberals who are under state Supreme Court order to adequately fund out public schools buckled to pressure from the teachers union and took the waiver away from the state’s students.
As Shift reported, by not changing one word in our state’s education reform law, the Democrats punted away control of $40 million in education funding – all to keep one of their party’s biggest campaign donors, and a $1 million dollar donor to Jay Inslee, happy.
But, the “mom in tennis shoes” danced around that reality, just as she danced around the fact that she supported the law she now so deeply dislikes with a campaign coming up.
Perhaps there could be a silver lining in Murray’s push to reform laws she used to support, which the majority of her constituents would like to see changed. There should be plenty of opportunities to fix the “broken law” that is Obamacare in the coming months.
What a liberal gas bag!
Much the same way Hitlery, Kerry, Schumer, etc. conveniently forget they voted for the Iraq war while blaming it on Bush.
How dare she come out like this after so many of us did our best to warn her, and others, that this is precisely what would be the outcome of such federal level involvement in education! But NO… at the time it was going to be the best thing for education and she rode the “bandwagon” to get it passed. I know from first-hand experience about the negative consequences of this poorly crafted law; I had to teach my classes under its ridiculous edicts.
I guess her “chickennnnnnnnns, have come home….. to roost!” so now she’s desperately trying to look more conservative with a re-election coming up. Folks, let’s not give her any reward for making such poor decisions and make sure she gets replaced with someone that will listen to their constituents!
Unfortunately, Ms Marry (spelling intentional) leaves a lot to be desired. “The tennis shoe teacher,” my rear end! She has been an absolute fail for the state of Washington and should never have been elected. While once a life long resident of the once great state of Washington, I can’t remember how many letters, email, and phone calls I made to her office. Crickets each time…Washington, wake up. She is a progressive from the word go and always will seek to represent those values, never once will she represent the whole state of Washington.
I love it that the liberals In Washington State got what they wanted. I hope she gets in again. Remember you get what you ask for. Smile
The problem is the conservative also get her. Thank God, I’m retired, I’ve got to find a more conservative place to live. The liberals here cannot even tell you why they vote for the “D’s”, they just do. PS – Patty’s office doesn’t even respond to letters received by conservatives. I’ve written her about laws that don’t work, laws that need to either be enforced or taken off the books. Never even get a reply, only once got a canned letter promoting Obamacare as a response, they never even addressed my concerns.
I found out why liberals vote the way they do according to my ex roommate. He always voted to “Cancel out my Conservative vote” as he put it..Great way to vote….If you don’t have a clue!
Linda Smith had more character and integrity in her little finger than Sen. Murray has in her entire body. But this IS Washington where Republicans are sen as window dressing to make political races look bi-partisan. Murray’s “Supercommittee” couldn’t find 1% in reduced spending so the sequester activated. Hello! One Percent in a budget so overinflated it could rise to the Moon without any other aid??? She’s a pip all right. Hope we get a viable candidate to oppose her and Maria next time around.
Miz Gurry , as well as her despotic partner in crime, Sharia Cu#$well are 2 reasons we will be moving out of the “Soviet of Washington” as soon as we can sell the farm. There hasn’t been a GOP senator since 1922. The last GOP Governor was Spellman in 1985. Our votes in E. Wa. are nullified by the king county socialists.. If I owned western Wa., I would clear cut it, sell the timber and give the mess to the illegals.
“There hasn’t been a GOP senator since 1922.”
Slade Gordon says hi.
Steve Litzow regrets 2261, and he’s hailed as a thoughtful man worthy of attention.
Patty Murray regrets No Child Left Behind, and she gets called names at ShiftWA.
Keep up the “good” “work”.
Patty Mongloid Murry is what we call her at my house. Reigning champion of the Congressional aide vote for the stupidest sitting member of Congress, year after year.
just like polise need to pass it to see whats in it vote her out stinking democrapper
Federal control of education has been the nail in the coffin for the US. The fed tells us how and when we educate our kids. Make demands on parents that can not be met. Require the kids to conform to behavior the libs believe will lead to world peace??? Indoctrination begins in the early years of education. The fed controls who gets the money, what books are allowed in schools and what subjects are taught. To much concern with going to college rather than teaching kids skills they need to live. Split training is the answer where in the 10th grade kids and parents choose whether they go on to college or to a technical program to teach them a skill they can make a living with. Working towards college is the greatest ponzy scam created by our government and it pays billions for local governments to get with their program. Washington needs to be the first to break away and work towards our future rather than the feds idea of where we should be.
Patty probably supports Common Core which is worse than No Child Left Behind Hypocrite