Transportation Choices—the lefty group that advocates giving the public everything but choices for transportation which include cars—has been caught in a blatant lie concerning Move Seattle, the $930 million proposition. The group recently tweeted,
The claim that 0% of residents in the Maple Leaf area oppose Move Seattle is, of course, a lie. points out that an individual who Transportation Choices actually polled told the campaign he didn’t support Move Seattle. That directly contradicts the campaign’s assertion.
Transportation Choices insists that the tweet was an innocent misunderstanding made by a campaign volunteer. But, KIRO’s Jason Rantz isn’t buying it. Rantz,
“This was meant to get people who are on the fence to rethink their position. I envision someone saying, ‘Wow, literally no one opposes this plan? Why would I? I’ll vote yes.’ It’s peer pressure…
“This was pure propaganda from a campaign desperate to take $930 million from homeowners to create bike-only lanes. But if they can’t be honest with a simple tweet, can they be trusted with nearly $1 billion?”
The “innocent” tweet has since been deleted.
Leftists don’t care if they get caught lying. Anything to advance the cause. In Seattle they just laugh it off as an “innocent misunderstanding” but you can’t unring the bell.