The National Federation of Independent Business released the results of two scientific polls taken of likely voters and small business owners in Washington State regarding Jay Inslee’s fuel mandate plans.
The results indicate that most Washingtonians are completely unaware that any carbon reduction proposal exists—79% of voters and 86% of small business owners admitted they did not know of Inslee’s plans. However, an overwhelming majority (96%) of respondents feel that Inslee should follow an open and transparent process in proposing any carbon reduction plan. Only 10% of voters and 5% of small businesses believe that Inslee should take unilateral executive action to force his agenda on our state.
NFIB also discovered that 67% of voters and 69% of small business owners want to vote on Inslee’s proposal via a state ballot measure. Also, 66% of voters and 78% of small business owners prefer to wait and see the environmental and economic impacts of California’s low carbon fuel standard policy—which will go into effect in January—before making any decision for a similar plan in Washington State.
NFIB points out that survey respondents believe the price of gas/diesel and the availability of renewable energy to be the two most important energy issues facing Washington State. The majority of respondents (54%) said Inslee’s proposal should not be considered if it raises the price of fuel. Voters (80%) and small business owners (75%) believe an increase in fuel prices by $.13 to $1.47 per gallon is too much to pay.
Additionally, 62% of voters and 74% of small business owners do not believe Inslee’s proposal should be considered unless the increase in fuel prices can provide clearly defined environmental benefits for Washington State. Considering the fact that Washington State’s emissions comprise 3/10 of 1% of the world’s carbon emissions, no clearly defined benefits can be proven. It appears that our green governor’s “I believe what I believe” explanation for his fuel mandate is just not good enough.
You can find the NFIB’s full survey results here.
impeach the stupid ass, he is as bad as obummer
Executive orders in this state are just like Federal, they only effect the executive branch. So, just like Obama’s illegal amnesty and other EO’s, this is just as unconstitutional. I call for an election to remove Inslee from office. I don’t know how to get a recall election started but would appreciate it if somebody that does could get the ball rolling.
Patricia, maybe you should focus on finding someone to challenge Gov. Inslee in 2016. Recall elections make for a pretty toxic political environment. But hey, that’s what why have FUSE and SHIFT, to keep the policy debate in this state running on fear, hysteria, bullshit, and paint fumes.
This is two more years of inslee BS it needs to be stopped…
It won’t happen. Just like Obamination they have lots of sheep supporters and big businesses supporting and will shield Mr. Inslee. Sad but true.
Considering global warming is a complete hoax, no new taxes! Thanks.
I said before / thanks a bunch Seattle, you elected this empty suit, now the rest of us has to live with it. One and done, let us hope Seattle has seen the errors in it’s ways and will help diselect Spendslee in 16 !!
To think that man can control the universe is left wing liberal progressive arrogance. Washington State democrats are lost in a sea of failed social engineering that is crushing the very citizens it claims to stand up for. What was once the least taxed state in the republic is now nothing more than a tax & spent grab bag for every stupid idea that these inept fools can come up with. Jay Inslee is just another wealthy elite who will say anything to line his pockets at our expense. he’s a lawyer for crying out loud. Wake up!
Jay, keep fighting like a facist against the people and implement the envionmental tax. Just do it, already! Instead of threatening people’s livelyhood just get on with it and do it. I am sure you still got the sheep in Seattle that you can count on your next vote. Woot! Woot!