Hillary Clinton is out-of-touch with the average American. News of her lifestyles of the rich and famous ways only add to the backlash she received after claiming to be “dead broke” after she and her husband left the White House. Las Vegas Review-Journal,
According to her standard speaking contract, Clinton will remain at the event no longer than 90 minutes; will pose for no more than 50 photos with no more than 100 people; and won’t allow any press coverage or video- or audio-taping of her speech… Clinton’s standard contract usually includes:
■ Round-trip transportation on a chartered private jet “e.g., a Gulfstream 450 or larger jet,” plus round-trip business class travel for two advance staffers who will arrive up to three days in advance.
■ Hotel accommodations selected by Clinton’s staff and including “a presidential suite for Secretary Clinton and up to three (3) adjoining or contiguous single rooms for her travel aides and up to two (2) additional single rooms for the advance staff.”
■ A $500 travel stipend to cover out-of-pocket costs for Clinton’s lead travel aide.
■ Meals and incidentals for Clinton, her travel aides and advance staff, as well as all phone charges.
■ Final approval of all moderators or introducer
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