The final results are not even in from the resounding defeat of Prop 1, the transit zealots latest attempt to pick King County taxpayer pockets, and already there is talk of a new tax-raising initiative for transit.
Evidently the “war on cars” crowd did not learn from their latest loss, as they are still deploying the same “sky is falling” rhetoric that voters just rejected.
“Seattle will grind to a halt of we don’t act fast to save buses” lied Ben Schiendleman, a leading transit blogger, in announcing plans to raise property taxes to subsidize bus riders.
For Schiendleman and his fellow Seattle Transit Blog zealots, any rejection of their anti-car religion is cause for heated rhetoric. Facts about Metro’s mismanagement and excessive costs are to be ignored, lest the truth get in the way of their all transit, all the time approach.
Fortunately suburban King County voters saw through the lies coming out of Seattle. Seems like Seattle voters may get another chance this fall.
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