We here at Shift receive a lot of emails from liberals. We like to call these emails “love letters.” Continuing what we started some months ago, we would like to celebrate this Friday by spreading the love and sharing the best of our most recent liberal love letters with you. So, without further ado, here is our latest installment of the top liberal expressions of love:
- The there-are-just-no-words/you-don’t-care-about-my-feelings expression of love.
“I am so against you I do not even have words. You have absolutely no compassion. And I know you do not care how we feel.” –Connie
- The you-are-pathetic-and-I-hate-you expression of love.
“What bullshit you are presenting… Rather pathetic on your part.” –Ralph
- The not-so-clever-attempt-to-irritate expression of love.
“@ShiftWA I would love to work on @GovInslee 2016 campaign. Any news on reelection work?” –Nathan via Twitter
- The attempt-to-be-sarcastic-then-claim-you-are-backed-by-big-money expression of love.
“Lord knows we wouldn’t want WEA in way of big money backers of orgs like “ShiftWA”. WEA = evil teachers after all.” –Walter via Twitter
- The I-gotcha-with-a-flawed-statistic-pushed-by-the-far-left expression of love.
- The bad-play-on-words expression of love.
“@ShiftWA wants to #SHAFTWA. Just more of the same old s*** whereby workers get less and lazy-a** trust babies keep more. #TrickleDown joke.” – eldeemocrat via Twitter
- The die-hard-Inslee-fan expression of love.
“@ShiftWA Inslee is the man! We need clean energy and climate action! Go Jay.” –Will via Twitter
- The what-in-the-world-just-happened expression of love.
“@ShiftWA The problem with schools is not class size. It is high CO2 in the class rooms. And that means evil people run the schools. #waleg” –Out of the Bee Hive via Twitter
- The has-trouble-understanding-how-hyper-links-work-and-takes-it-out-on-you expression of love.
“The best part of @ShiftWA is how often it uses itself as a source.” –Lying Cat via Twitter
- The shall-I-compare-you-to-a-fascist expression of love.
“Fascist pigs who dream of flying…” –Dick via Facebook
The I-gotcha-with-a-flawed-statistic-…
What’s the flaw? The number of restaurants in Seattle continues to rise as our minimum wage here does. The only “flaw” is in any economic theory which claims these two events should be mutually exclusive.
… expression of love.
If you choose to see this challenge as an “expression of love,” nobody can stop you. It is plainly a challenge to all of your claims about Seattle’s rising minimum wage — a challenge your derisive mischaracterization is utterly failing to meet. Please do try harder.