From changing the name of a national holiday, to attempting to scare off a multi-billion dollar oil company with a group of “kayaktivists”, to being arrested on disorderly conduct charges, Seattle City Council members have found themselves rather busy over the past year.
So, they decided they needed some extra help – using your money.
The Council voted 8-1 to allow council members to hire another aide to “reduce their workload.” The new law raises a cap on the number of taxpayer-funded help for each council member from three to four.
The extra help will cost taxpayers an additional $500,000 per year.
Ironically, if councilmembers did a few less stunts, they would save taxpayers a lot of money (and not just for the extra aide) and headaches.
We need LESS government not MORE. Let them do their jobs themselves. After all, THEY wanted the job.
Seattle wants to be as “nutty” as San Francisco or Los Angeles.
Already is
I think they are there already
And they are just as corrupt.