The Washington Education Association (WEA) has already given the maximum-allowed $2,000 contribution to the three incumbent candidates the State Supreme Court races. A check of Public Disclosure Commission reports reveals that labor bosses have handed over $2,000 to Mary Yu in Position 1; Barbara Madsen in Position 5; and Charles Wiggins in Position 6.
But, that’s not the only way WEA bosses are funneling money into these races. The Washington Policy Center points out:
“The WEA union also operates separate PACs (Political Action Committees) which may give additional money in these races. In Washington, union membership for public school teachers is mandatory, union executives collect about $1,000 a year from each teacher, and they use this money to fund union operations. Union executives say they strive to keep their political activity separate, but they have made it clear that any teacher who does not pay will be fired.”
It should come as no surprise that three State Supreme Court candidates who are up for re-election – Chief Justice Barbara Madsen, and Justices Mary Yu and Charles Wiggins – all accepted funds from the WEA. All three are unabashed ideological liberals and activist judges — just the type of judges the WEA likes most.
It should also come as no surprise that the WEA chose to max out to these candidates. The WEA has launched another lawsuit against public charter schools in its attempt to protect its education monopoly — the union bosses know that they need the support of these justices.
But, pumping money into judicial races is not the only way WEA bosses are stocking up favors from the liberal incumbent justices. The Washington State Labor Council (WSLC) released its list of endorsements and — surprise, surprise — the union bosses chose to support Madsen, Yu, and Wiggins. Here’s what they had to say to union members:
Your unions have analyzed the candidates’ questionnaires and interviewed each of them. Delegates from unions across the state have assembled to vote on which ones have earned endorsement from the Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO as true advocates for fair wages, safe and healthy jobs, and sustaining public services.
Of course, the union bosses didn’t really analyze any questionnaires. These justices are their last hope to keep their monopoly on education, hence the contributions… and subsequent endorsements.
Clay Fitzgerald says
Oh yeah! What I said before… judges are bought and paid for by the WEA!
Stephen Stoutenburg says
would love a shift letter discussing who shift is endorsing
Pam Anderson says
I agree with Stephen. I would also love to have SHIFT’s endorsements for all of the candidates. I haven’t heard of many of the Republicans and would like to know more.