The scandal involving former disgraced Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber and corrupt, extreme “green” environmental organizations claimed another Democrat politician. Oregon’s chief operating officer Michael Jordan announced he would step down yesterday.
According to the Oregonian, Jordon emerged as a key player in the Kitzhaber scandal following the disgraced governor’s resignation. Jordan was complicit in the influence-peddling schemes Kitzhaber and his fiancée, Cylvia Hayes apparently ran. He catered to the corrupt couple’s whims regarding Oregon’s implementation of a Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI), the “green” version of the economically-based Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which Hayes was paid to push. And, Jordan even hired a manager “close to one of Hayes’ employers to advance a project she was pursuing.”
Jordan’s resignation comes after he demanded a criminal investigation over a high-profile leak of Kitzhaber’s personal emails—his attempts were scrutinized as retaliation against whistleblowers exposing corruption in the administration. Jordon even placed “two top managers in the state data center, a focus of the investigation, on leave.”
The situation went from bad to worse for Jordan when a data center manager sent an email to the Oregonian characterizing the criminal investigation he demanded as “purely political.”
We can’t say we are surprised. As Shift has reported, this scandal runs deep, touching even Washington State. But we’re still waiting for reporters in our state to start looking into the tangled web of influence peddlers that features California billionaire Tom Steyer as a puppet-master/money man for West Coast Democrat governors and “green” groups doing his bidding.
Why does none of this surprise me?
What more does the Media need? I must be hard when there aren’t any “investigative” reporters any more.
It’s a good start.
Let’s see which of the local Obama stations (KIRO, KOMO or KING) will be the first to tackle this… I’ll be over here sorting my extensive belly button lint collection while I’m waiting.
The liberal collective propaganda machine that is the media in the land of 206 would make the Nazi Party proud.
Tom Steyer seems to be the “common thread” from the top end of the Left Coast to the bottom….let’s start looking into Islee’s dealings, emails, etc, with this man!!
I too am a whistleblower against these corrupt criminals. I told the truth and exposed a cover up by Michael Jordan of serious felony crimes and embezzlement he was involved in. Their first move was to attempt intimidate me into silence with threats of pinning these crimes somehow on me and arresting me. In response to that I told the crooked detective they assigned to the case ( the same Fairview detective involved in the prior cover up) to go ahead and arrest me, then get me an attorney. His next move was to offer me a bribe for my silence! Well, let me be perfectly clear about that! He asked me what I wanted… He didn’t offer me anything! My reply was ” The last time I heard those words, they came from the corporate v.p. of the sub contractor I worked for. ( S.I. Funeral Services / Suhor Industries) Just before he offered me the managers job! Are you detective ( I shouldn’t mention his name on a public forum… He wouldn’t like that.) Brad Robertson offering me a bribe? Not you, the State Investigator (Lynne Nelson) nor Michael Jordan himself could possibly offer me enough money to buy my silence! Is that camera on? And if not… Why isn’t it on?” Detective Robertson’s reply… “No it isn’t on, and I think we are done here.” I told him that “I knew he and Nelson were involved in the cover up of Jordan’s crimes in Jan. Of 2011, that they ordered my friend to lie on an affidavit concerning the case, and that I couldn’t wait to testify against him at his trial! That he was going to prison along with Jordan and Nelson! That I would tell everybody I could, about what he had done! That the only thing worse than a corrupt public official… Is a crooked cop! That I hoped that the feather in his cap they gave him for his lack of integrity ( named him police officer of the year 4 days after Kitzhaber made Jordan the States first ever C.O.O.) was worth it! That if he wanted to shut me up… That he was going to have to shoot me! Am I free to go detective?” And walked out of his Fairview interrogation room into the open arms of Oregonian reporter Steve Bevin who was waiting for me in the lobby of the Fairview police department! I told him everything! He printed little to nothing of what I told him! At the time the Oregonian chose to help Jordan rather than report the truth! That is when my troubles really began! Threats, harassment, intimidation, financial sanctions, criminal accusations and attempts to discredit me, by the vary people who swore an oath to protect me. What you people must understand is that ones integrity is a commodity to these people. It’s value is determined by the owner. Fore some it can be sold for money, for others power, for others a worthless feather in a cap! I view mine as priceless, not for sale to anyone for any price!
Mr. Rodgers was faced with a choice, follow orders he knew to be criminal, sacrifice his integrity and keep quiet. Or… Maintain his integrity, make copy’s of the evidence and turn it over before it could be deleted and covered up forever? The courage it took to do what he did, knowing what he would be facing for doing the right thing…HEROIC!!! Here is a man who refuses to sell his integrity, and is willing to stand up for all of us! Thank you Michael Rodgers!