Some members of the King County Charter Review Commission are looking to take away your right to elect the King County Sheriff.
What is the King County Charter Review?
The Charter Review is a little known or understood process that happens every ten years, and it is being undertaken right now in King County. You can think of the charter for a local government similar to the U.S. Constitution, but way more detailed.
The Charter Review is completed by a set of bi-partisan commissioners who make recommendations to the King County Council about what should be changed. The Council will then vote on the recommendations, which are then sent to the voters in the next General Election.
A short history of the King County Sheriff
The King County Sheriff is an elected position, voted on every four years. For some time, the Sheriff was an appointed position but in 1996 voters decided to elect their Sheriff again. Dave Reichert was appointed Sheriff and was elected by the voters. Since Dave Reichert we’ve had four Sheriffs, the current is Mitzi Johanknecht who was elected in 2017.
Commissioners attempting to remove your right to vote for Sheriff
On the June 26 meeting of the Charter Review Commission a poll was taken of the commissioners with a “thumbs up to continue work on this issue” of removing your right to elect the Sheriff. This vote was not unanimous.
If this change makes it through the commission, county council, and voters ultimately approve the measure, it will mean the King County Executive gets to appoint, with council ratification, the Sheriff going forward.
Every single county in Washington elects their Sheriff. If this change is made, the people in King County will be the only ones who don’t have a say in their Sheriff. Can we really trust the liberal politicians who lead King County with an appointment this important? We’ve all seen what happens in Seattle, with how political the issue of policing is and how their Chief of Police is restrained from doing her job.
You can send your feedback to the charter review commission at [email protected].
You can review the agenda and draft ordinance to remove your right to elect your Sheriff.
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