Jay Inslee showed just how little he understands about governing last week, after the latest revenue forecast showed the state expecting an additional $400 million over the next two years. Instead of taking the opportunity to finally convince the House Democrats to reach a budget deal with the Senate by dropping their tax-raising demands, he instead insisted that “some” taxes will still need to be raised, although he couldn’t say how much – “I don’t have a clear number for you” he told the media.
Inslee also decided to channel the old Saturday Night Live character, Emily Litella, claiming that his decision last December to propose a $1.4 billion tax increase – thus breaking his campaign promise to not raise taxes – by was mistimed. KUOW reported that “Inslee said since December the state’s financial picture has gotten rosier. And that if he’d known then what he knows now, ‘We would not have required to propose so much revenue because we would have been able to satisfy the needs of our citizens.’”
Evidently, when it comes to governing this state, Emily Litella and Jay Inslee are on the same page: “Never mind.”
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