How out of touch are Democrats in Washington State? Well, one of their former office holders thinks Jay Inslee would make a legitimate candidate for President of the United States.
So, it’s safe to say Democrats are not just out of touch. They’ve stepped in to the realm of the delusional.
A recent article in Crosscut attempts to explain why Inslee would make a good president, and argues that he stands a chance at winning the Democrat nomination. The article reasons that Inslee will draw “voters for whom the environment and climate change are the most important issues.” Crosscut,
“Inslee, after all, is one of America’s long-time leading elected voices on climate change and environmental stewardship. He wrote Apollo’s Fire: Igniting America’s Clean Energy Economy in 2008 before the effects of climate change were so clear. There is no prominent environmental voice in this Democratic field. Hillary Clinton won’t even take a position on the Keystone XL pipeline.”
The problem is that our “green” governor has no accomplishments to speak of from his three years of “running” the state, building on a similar success-free legacy from his 15 years in Congress. He is so incapable of leading that members of his own party kicked him out of budget negotiations during the last session. And, he could not garner enough support for his extreme “green” agenda among members of his own party to even get any of his priority bills brought to the floor for a vote this year.
As for his book, Inslee “co-wrote” it in 2007 and, since then, it has barely managed to crack the top million in sales on Amazon (for the price of 1 cent the book can be yours). It is a book that has failed to produce any successful policy proposals. Essentially, it is Inslee’s “green manifesto,” littered with factual errors and ridiculous predictions. If that qualifies Inslee for the Democrat nomination, then the party has reached a new low.
Simply put, Inslee is irrelevant. Yet, Democrats appear to believe he would make a viable presidential candidate. Perhaps it’s all of Inslee’s paint-by-numbers drawings that have Democrats believing he could raise the money needed for a presidential bid—it certainly isn’t his book sales.
Of course, the fact that Inslee would be mentioned—even in passing—as a presidential candidate speaks volumes as to the pathetic state of Democrats on the national stage. Of course, on reflection, considering whom Democrats currently have to work with, it’s not surprising Inslee’s name has been mentioned.
But, the suggestion that he run also speaks volumes about Washington State. It’s this type of delusional thinking that has controlled our state capital for far too long. Whether its prioritizing special interests at the expense of education or believing a failed governor like Inslee should lead our nation, these are the voices that—sadly enough—lead our state.
The only way an Inslee presidential bid would be a good idea is if it meant he would not run for re-election as governor. He would certainly lose nationally, and Washington State would win locally by getting rid of an ineffective, incompetent leader.
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