GOP members of the House Ways and Means Committee are not happy with the top watchdog of the Internal Revenue Service due to allegations that it has seized the assets of innocent small businesses. The Hill,
Committee members were outraged Wednesday by the agency’s history of accusing small business that handle cash transactions under $10,000 of structuring funds and seizing business assets even when there is no evidence of illegal activity.
The committee referenced Carol Hinders of Iowa, who lost her Mexican restaurant that she ran as a cash-only business, after the IRS seized her bank account for $33,000. Committee Chairman Pete Roskam (R-Ill.) said it took Hinders a year and a half to get her money back…
“The IRS grabbed these taxpayers by their throat and squeezed and squeezed and squeezed without mercy and nearly ruined them and made their lives miserable,” Roskam said. “Would you be willing to apologize to those taxpayers who were so abused?
Though it took several times of Roskam asking, Koskinen finally said he’s “sorry that mistakes happen.”
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