Jay Inslee already made his desire to reward his millionaire friends at the expense of working families known when he declared his wish to extend a tax loophole for electric vehicles and explore giving solo electric vehicle drivers access to carpool lanes. As Shift reported, the state Department of Revenue estimates that, if the tax break is extended, it would mean a nearly $13 million hit in tax revenues in fiscal year 2016, and $17 million in 2017.
Who benefits from the tax break? Washington State’s budget and K-12 education certainly do not benefit. Working families who simply cannot afford higher end vehicles (Tesla price tag: $85,900+, Nissan Leaf price tag: $28,800+) do not benefit. By every indication, by supporting those who have supported him, Inslee’s campaign war chest stands to benefit the most.
Well, Inslee wasn’t done suggesting ways he could reward his millionaire friends as was discovered when he introduced his $12 billion transportation plan yesterday. According to the Washington Policy Center, our green governor’s transportation proposal appears (details are scarce) to grant electric vehicle owners free use of ferries and toll roads. If Inslee gets his way, he would reward electric vehicle owners with “taxpayer-subsidized ferry rides and tolls, while most people continue to pay full fare.
Liberal Insanity!
At one time it was decided that because electric cars use less gas or in some cases zero gas that they weren’t paying their fair share of road repairs and maintence because those monies come from gas taxes. The past talk included a special extra tax on those vehicles that still use our roads but don’t pay their “fair share”…..after all isn’t that one of the basics of liberalism? So now our wonderious leader has had his mind flushed with the special brand of Democratic Kool-aid and decides to continue to ruin and rob the middle class in our great State to fund all of his BS programs that don’t make any sense and be so green when our State us already extremely green ( after all we are the Evergreen State) with hydro-electric power leading the entire Western United States in green energy. My only hope is the people will see this BS for what it is and put pressure on their legislature to stop our out of control Governor.
is this the same asshat that thinks because gas is down and your “saving ” 25 bucks a month on having to spend less you will not mind if he raises the gas tax so the state can take it? where was he when the price was skyrocketing i don’t recall him wanting to cut the tax to help you get to work!