The pressure on Jay Inslee to back off from vetoing $2 billion in funding for non-vehicular projects is mounting. The latest editorial calling for Inslee not to forfeit “green” projects for his fuel mandate comes courtesy of the News Tribune. A recent editorial reads,
“The transit-pedestrian-cyclist projects are there because [Inslee] and other environmentalists wanted them there…
“The so-called poison pill was a condition of Republican support for the bill. Few Republican lawmakers wanted to add 11.9 cents to the state gas tax, and many were nervous that Inslee might also unilaterally order a low-carbon fuel standard that could indirectly add another 12 cents or more to the price at the pump.
“So the Republicans concocted the diabolically ingenious pill. If Inslee imposed the tighter fuel standard by executive action, their provision would automatically shift the funding earmarked for alternative transportation projects to road projects. Transit, cyclists and pedestrians would forfeit hundreds of millions of dollars to highways, overpasses, bridges, etc.
“The idea that the governor might actually swallow the cyanide is hard to process…”
The editorial goes on to detail what Peirce County stands to lose if indeed Inslee decided to swallow the pill. And, finally, calls for Inslee not to make the sacrifice for his fuel mandate.
But, the editorial—unfortunately—misses the bigger picture. That is Inslee’s obsession with his extreme green agenda. The fact that he is even considering swallowing the “poison pill” for the sake of his fuel mandate speaks volumes of the type of single-minded, ineffective leader he really is. Making a foolish gamble based on dodgy, absurd assumptions isn’t a sign of strong leader. It’s just a sign of a reckless one.
Indeed, Inslee’s clear fixation should have media outlets everywhere rushing to re-examine his fuel mandate. After all, if Inslee is willing to make the sacrifice, he is either blinded by his obsession or it really is the best thing since sliced bread. Somehow, considering the policy’s history, we’re willing to bet it’s the former.
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