Jay Inslee is jetting back today from the United Nations’ climate change conference, where he seemingly did little except, well, talk.
How do we know he did absolutely nothing? Well, our very green governor did not get to Paris in time to participate in the draft agreement that is driving the talks.
According to reports, negotiators from 195 countries agreed to a blueprint deal to reduce global carbon emissions last Saturday… the same day Inslee arrived to the conference. In other words, Inslee showed up to the conference after all the heavy lfiting was done. Unfortunately, that didn’t stop him from signing on to the agreement he didn’t participate in… at all. Via the Columbian,
“Washington Gov. Jay Inslee has signed onto agreements with other nations to fight climate change while attending a global summit in Paris.
“The governor’s office says he also announced at a reception on Sunday his new initiative to get more electric vehicles on the road. Inslee wants at least 20 percent of all new state passenger vehicles to be electric vehicles by 2017.
“The governor signed new agreements with France and Chile.”
Of course, this isn’t the first worthless and non-binding international agreement Inslee has signed on to. Last May, Inslee continued his relentless pursuit of implementing his extreme “green” policies in Washington State when he—without legislative consultation or approval—took it upon himself to join leaders of 11 other states and provinces in the U.S., Mexico, Europe and Canada in signing an agreement that called for cutting carbon emissions to 80 to 95 percent below 1990 levels by 2050.
Why would Inslee agree to a climate change agreement he did not have a hand in drafting without, by every indication, a second thought? The reality is that Inslee doesn’t really care about innovative ways to solve climate change. Rather, our green governor cares about choosing winners and losers with his extreme “green” agenda.
Unfortunately, in Inslee’s world, the winners are always his agenda and his extreme “green” supporters while the losers are businesses and hardworking Washington families.
As Shift reported, a study conducted by Energy Strategies—in collaboration with the University of Idaho and Washington State University and commissioned by the Washington Climate Collaborative (WCC), a business coalition—found that Jay Inslee’s cap-and-tax proposal would have a devastating impact on our state’s economy and reduce Washington jobs. Specifically, the reality of Inslee’s cap-and-tax scheme would be to reduce the average annual employment by approximately 56,000 jobs over the next 20 years. Nearly 6,000 of those jobs would be in the manufacturing sector.
More recently, Jay Inslee’s extreme “green” carbon rules cost the state hundreds of lost jobs—even before his bureaucratic rules are implemented. His plan “encouraged” Alcoa – the world’s third-largest producer of aluminum—to close factories in Ferndale and Wenatchee.
Inslee’s participation in the UN’s climate change conference won’t do much to help global warming. In fact, Inslee’s ego trip there only added to his carbon footprint. That’s because innovation is the way to solve climate change, not picking winners and losers as Inslee does.
Lets not line the pockets of this fake and phony Climate exchange agenda along with BS politicians, think what drives a politician, lawyers etc etc their almighty god $$$$$$$ & power..