Successful leaders are advised to “know their audience,” so they can make sure they frame their remarks in the language of the people they are speaking to. That was a lesson that Jay Inslee must have skipped before he spoke at the Association of Washington Business (AWB) Policy Conference last week to share his “perspective behind his climate initiative” with the leaders of the state’s Chamber of Commerce.
Inslee attempted to convince people who help create jobs in their communities that “innovating toward a low-carbon future can boost Washington’s economy.” After spending much of his first two years in office attacking the policies of the Majority Caucus Coalition in the State Senate that almost all of these business leaders support, Inslee called for “businesses to contribute their expertise, acumen and knowledge of technological capacity to the formation of draft climate change policies.”
Understandably, the far-left green agenda which Inslee embraces with a religious fervor failed to win over many converts. As noted on the AWB website, Inslee’s “message was met with questions and skepticism by AWB members. They asked how Washington can maintain a competitive footing if rules imposed (by Inslee) to reduce carbon emissions cause the costs of energy, fuel and other business operations to rise.”
Despite his attempt to sell his “green” bill of goods to the business community, Inslee was unable to hide the costs of his extreme environmental agenda. Gary Chandler, AWB vice president of government relations, pointed out that the costs of Inslee’s “policies, especially as they increase the price of energy and transportation, matter greatly to the state’s manufacturers, agricultural producers and innovators as they compete with other states and nations.”
The biggest concern for AWB members proved to be the competitiveness of Washington State manufacturers on both the national and world stage— competitiveness which is unquestionably threatened by Inslee’s extreme environment agenda.
During his talk, Inslee “pledged a transparent, open discussion with the business community, saying he hopes that businesses respond by keeping an open mind.” Interesting, considering Inslee’s history of anything but transparency concerning his extreme environmental agenda and, well, everything else.
The meeting seems to have ended on an awkward note. The AWB reports that, before Inslee left, he was handed a copy of the 2014 Competitiveness Greenbook of key environmental statistics. According to the AWB, “the book notes that Washington is already one of the greenest states in the nation, with electricity that generates the fourth-lowest carbon emissions per capita. Washington drivers use less gasoline per capita than those in 38 other states.”
It’s safe to say that the AWB Greenbook is probably not on Jay’s night stand for late-night reading.
I’m a loser and I’ve lost my brain and dignity. I’m a loser and common sense is not near to me.
All that is fine and well. Inslee could give a hoot about anything to do with basic economics. His prime objective is to please Obama and the Progressive Liberal Democrats of Seattle all of whom he has sworn his allegiance. Take them all down at the same time.
The problem with Libs is they really don’t know and seemingly don’t care where job growth comes from…the more they step on the business community the lower the number of jobs that can be created….a great example…$15 minimum wage…where does a small business find the money to fund that wonderful idea…layoffs or business closure.
Somebody needs to get a clue…lower taxes….lower overhead…means MORE employment.