Jay Inslee is not stepping up to support the voters’ will by advocating for keeping public charter schools alive in our state—our green governor has never been a supporter of charter schools, especially given his close ties to the Washington Education Association (WEA). Via the Washington Policy Center,
“In the past Governor Inslee has said he opposes letting children attend charter schools. Although governors in 41 other states support allowing their resident children attend a charter school, Washington appears to be the only state that is in the process of taking charter school learning away from children.”
The Seattle Times’ editorial board recently urged Inslee to make a strong commitment toward reinstating public charter schools—something he has yet to do. The Times,
“Gov. Jay Inslee has never been a champion of charter schools. He needs to show some leadership and help the Legislature craft a bill he will sign.”
Despite Inslee’s noncommittal position, lawmakers are moving to address the problem of public charter schools. Bills aimed to save public charter schools sponsored by Republican state Senator Steve Litzow and Democrat state Representative Eric Pettigrew are garnering bipartisan support.
Today, the Senate Ways and Means Committee approved legislation that would keep voter-approved public charter schools open. The bill now moves to the Senate Rules Committee.
Even if he can’t lead the way, perhaps Inslee will see the light before the bi-partisan bill reaches his desk.
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