If your home television has a DVR, and you are not a fan of political fiction, you may just want to set it to skip Showtime tonight at 8:00 p.m. However, if you like a lack of reality in your TV choices, Jay Inslee will be featured at that time in an episode (titled “True Colors”) of the docu-series “Years of Living Dangerously.”
Actress Olivia Munn leads the segment, interviewing the man Showtime calls a “climate-conscious governor”, about his commitment to higher taxes and more government control all in the name of combatting climate change.
Inquiring minds may want to know what Inslee will discuss in the interview. Will he mention his extensive ties to billionaire Tom Steyer and all the ways he has ingratiated himself with the man who is willing to spend at least $100 million dollars for Democrats through his Super PAC? Or maybe he’ll lead with thanking the liberal non-profit groups which stood in for the state of Washington and underwrote the Inslee administration’s “work” on the Pacific Coast Collaborative agreement on climate.
If you’ve seen Inslee’s brief portrayal of a senator in “The Deal” (with Christian Slater), you know why he hasn’t appeared in any movies since. That acting experience no doubt came in handy, though, when he told legislators and the public that he had “not made a decision” on a low-carbon fuel standard that will significantly raise the price of gas in Washington, even though Inslee administration documents reveal that he’d been planning to implement his gas tax-raising scheme by executive order for months.
He even hit back at some legislators for publically wondering if he would impose his expensive low-carbon fuel scheme, writing that their call for him to “come clean” about his plans “implies I have in some way been hiding my intentions. This is offensive and untrue.”
Now those are some acting chops!
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