Jay Inslee continued his pathetic fundraising attempts this week. As Shift pointed out, it is clear our green governor is struggling to motivate Democrat voters to contribute to his campaign — the desperate attacks, fake fundraising deadlines, and the low level of contributions have established that fact. In fact, Inslee’s latest fundraising blitz admits his campaign is struggling to raise money.
Check out his latest email:
It must be rough when the only donor willing to contribute to your campaign is your party’s central committee. Toward the end of April, in an obvious attempt to boost his fundraising numbers, the Washington State Democrat Central Committee dropped a whopping $300,000 into Inslee’s campaign war chest.
The reality is that Inslee’s philosophy is out-of-step with Washingtonians. The fact that Inslee will attempt to jam through his carbon rule by executive order probably won’t help.
We need an honest, hard working Republican in the Governor’s office. Enough of this Obama wanna be!