Though Jay Inslee is remaining silent on the topic of State Treasurer Jim McIntire’s state income tax plan, he did send one of his spokespeople out to do the talking for him. The Seattle Times reports that spokeswoman Jaime Smith—who spends much of her taxpayer-funded work hours sending out highly partisan attacks via her personal Twitter account—confirmed Inslee “isn’t on board” with McIntire’s proposal. Via the Seattle Times,
“He is not proposing a state income tax,” Smith said, adding that in his budget, the governor called for taxes on carbon polluters and a capital gains tax on some assets to help pay for court-mandated K-12 education costs and other state needs.”
The problem with Smith’s statement is that Inslee does, in fact, propose an income tax—but perhaps she has been too busy sending partisan political tweets at taxpayer expense to actually read her boss’ income tax proposal. Inslee, as Smith admits—proposed a state capital gains tax, which is another form of an income tax.
To put it in simple terms for Inslee and Smith, a capital gains tax—at its core—taxes the income a person makes off of a sale of their assets/property. Despite what Inslee and his fellow Democrats want to call that, if the government takes away a portion of someone’s income, that is an income tax. The better description for a capital gains tax is a capital gains income tax—a tax that, under state law, would most likely be ruled unconstitutional if challenged in court.
The difference between McIntire and Inslee is that McIntire is simply more honest and straightforward about what he wants to do: implement a state income tax. Inslee, meanwhile, is hiding behind semantics to get his foot in the door and achieve the “guiding principle” of his party.
Let’s see, both are liberal, both are progressive, both are democrats, both are eco terrorists & both are out of their minds. Anybody with half a brain can see that more tax & spend policy is all we can look forward to from these leftwing-nuts.