Toward the end of April, in an obvious attempt to boost his fundraising numbers, the Washington State Democrat Central Committee dropped a whopping $300,000 into Jay Inslee’s campaign war chest.
Well, according to the latest PDC reports, the Democrat state party provided our green governor with another generous contribution — this time worth $170,000 — in May. That’s nearly a quarter of the cash he raised for the month – continuing a trend, since the party is the source of about one-fourth of Jay’s total campaign haul.
Democrats’ repeated efforts to pump cash into Inslee’s campaign exposes the trouble he has had in raising money. But, it also highlights Inslee’s dependence on “dark money” contributions. You see, taking so much money from the state party (regularly) is a convenient way for the special interest donors Inslee depends on to hide the true source being sent his way.
We all know how far Inslee has gone — and will go — to support special interests…and you know the union bosses, trial lawyers, and other liberal benefactors are expecting to see a generous return on their investments.
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