Jay Inslee is working with SEIU 775 “in order to maintain the unions’ ability to automatically deduct dues from certain union-represented workers“, according to records uncovered by the Freedom Foundation. The US Supreme Court ruled over the summer that “’partial public employees’ – independent workers who receive subsidies from the state did not fall under union laws, and that it was therefore unconstitutional for unions to force these workers to pay union dues. In Washington, “individual home health care providers are represented by SEUI Local 775“. These workers, although told they do not have to be a member of a union, have had full union dues taken from them in order to cover SEUI 775’s political spending and other costs. However, “the SEIU is seeking to deceptively get nonmembers to sign a membership form” that would allow SEIU 775 to take control of their electronic signature and force them into a labor union that they would not be able to leave, sue, or stop paying dues to. Despite the unconstitutionality of forcing workers to give money to a political ally that contributed $1 million to his last campaign [link to Our WA page], Inslee has decided to take matters into his own hands. “Documents from Inslee’s office indicate his administration has been communicating and coordinating extensively with organized labor” with the intention of bypassing the US Supreme Court decision. Inslee has been helping the unions find a way to “accept electronic signatures or taped declarations to serve as written permission to pay dues” among other methods of coercion. Evidently an oath to follow the law doesn’t override Inslee’s desire to help out his campaign donors, despite a U.S. Supreme Court decision.
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