Jay Inslee plans to attend the United Nations summit on climate change in Paris, November 30 – December 11. According to the Seattle Times, the summit is “aimed at securing an international accord to keep global warming below 2 degrees Celsius.”
Inslee’s spokesperson, Jaime Smith, told reporters that our green governor’s schedule is still being worked out, as are “other details.” The “other details” include who exactly will be funding Inslee’s Paris adventure. Smith claims to be looking into “whether a private foundation could fund all or part of the travel costs.”
“I think it’s obvious this is a big priority for the governor, and there has been a lot of talk about what subnational governments can do to move the needle,” Smith said of Inslee’s Paris plans.
How Inslee pays for his Paris extravaganza should be his problem and by no means should he touch taxpayer dollars.
Poor guy. He’s just trying to help us survive all his hot air over the next few years.
Jay Inslee should stay home and tend to administering state government