Advocates of the $15 minimum wage—the 15 NOW crowd—used the slogan “$15 now because the rent won’t wait” as one of the 15 reasons for supporting the large wage hike in Seattle. They argued,
“We have the fastest rising rent in the U.S. but the landlords won’t phase in our payments. We aren’t just teenagers trying to make an extra buck, we have families to support and bills to pay. No delays, we need 15 Now!”
Well, according to University of Washington economist Marieka Klawitter, rent in Seattle could increase because “demand for apartments will rise as low-wage workers move to Seattle to get paid more.”
Beside the irony of the potential increase in rent prices across Seattle due the $15 minimum wage, the potential impact reveals just how clueless 15 NOW advocates—and their leaders—are concerning basic economics.
When I was 18 I took a two year course in electronics. based on that education I got a job at the Boeing plant in Renton, WA I received a fair wage based on my education. As I continued my EDUCATION,my income increased. I came from a different world apparently, I never thought of demanding a wage that I did not earn. nIn regard to rent costs: I promise that when low incomes rise so will the rent.Back to square one!nI also know that when wages increased at Boeing, the Northwest received a raft of people from out of state. Best option, start with firing the liberals on the Seattle City Counsel. They are going to bury Seattle and King Co. I promise.
Actually, they are earning $15, times have changed & the starting wage hasn’t.
Thanks, for your “personal / pointless anecdotes” , but these folks are working
multiple jobs & have no time or money for education.
Another all knowing lib speaks and says nothing.
Another reTARDliCAN’T writes, but hasn’t a clue what the topic is…
Golden Rule: Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You.
Give it a try, “POS guy”. Love the family name, was disease ridden, vermin taken ???
i gotta wonder, Robbie boy, if you’d be so brave talking like that face to face. my guess is you wouldn’t dare, because you know you’d get your snotty liberal nose shoved back into your brain case. for a guy who spouts the golden rule, you’re not much on following it, are you?
I’m willing to talk face to face, but I don’t see any address or time in your post, putz…
Was there a point to your moronic “offer” on a web message board ??
No such thing as a free lunch. Can’t afford the rent? Find roommates or move back home with mommy and/or daddy. You’re now a “dependent” until age 26 anyway.
Free lunch ?
They’re asking for a living wage, where their LABOR = PAY… Get a clue, or continue to lose elections.
Not all labor is equal-and if you can’t afford to live in the big city, move to a smaller one. I find it hard to rationalize living in Seattle and working as a dishwasher, time to move.
The point of a living wage increase will backfire as the costs and demands go up and we will be having this same arguement in a few years when $15 isn’t enough.
Pointless solutions to a capitalistic problem-demand increases cost-so when all the kids come running out of the hills for that glorious $15 an hour and swoop up all the jobs, what do we complain about then? Not enough restaraunts and convenient stores in Seattle to hire everyone who NEEDS. A job?
Common sense has ledt the state of WA
Or ask for a raise ??
Funny, you put the burden on the working American ?